Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (Thursdays)

Thursday, Sep 7, 2017 at 6:00 PM to Thursday, Oct 26, 2017 at 8:30 PM PST

3903 Brooklyn Ave NE, Seattle, WA, 98105, United States

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Registration Partial Approval - $350.00

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UW Affiliate Registration (requires a UW budget # - see details) Partial Approval - Free

If you pay with a UW budget, you will receive 25% off the listed registration price ($262.50). Please enter your budget number at check out for CTI transfer.

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Registration with Clock Hours for School Teachers Partial Approval - $355.00

Clock hours are offered through Puget Sound Educational Service District (PSESD). You must submit a check to PSESD upon class completion for $2/per completed clock hour.

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Registration with Certificate of Completion Partial Approval - $355.00

26 continuing education credit hours for licensed psychologists, marriage and family therapists, mental health counselors, and social workers in Washington State.

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Thursday, Sep 7, 2017 at 6:00 PM to Thursday, Oct 26, 2017 at 8:30 PM PST

Center for Child and Family Well-Being, 3903 Brooklyn Ave NE, Seattle, WA, 98105, United States.



Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Course (Thursdays)

Fall 2017
taught by Elizabeth Lin, MD, MPH


Please review this note from Dr. Lin BEFORE registering to ensure that this class will be a proper fit for your needs.


Class Description  

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) is a scientifically proven program developed by Jon Kabat-Zinn, Ph.D. to reduce stress and increase well-being. It is flourishing worldwide. This 8-week course combines contemplative practices based in Eastern philosophy, western psychology, and cutting-edge neuroscience.  Attitudes of kindness, acceptance, and patience provide a foundation for the practices of sustained focus, self-regulation and self-exploration.  A greater sense of balance, choice, and freedom is cultivated.


Benefits of MBSR: Participants have remarked, “Mindfulness has changed how I live and see the world, how I interact with others." This course contributes to:


1. Reduced stress and chronic pain
2. Improved mood
3. Overcoming sleep problems
4. Decreased anxiety
5. Increased immunity
6. Enhanced resilience, joy, and compassion
7. Healthy aging


In this 8-week experiential course consisting of weekly classes and home practices, participants will learn exercises to:

1. Increase awareness of body sensations (body scan)
2. Mindful movement and stretching (yoga)
3. Awareness of pleasant and unpleasant experiences
4. Awareness of thoughts and emotions
5. Increase compassion for ourselves and others
6. Latest research on mind-body response to stress and change
7. Practices to cultivate mindfulness throughout the day, living each moment to its fullest

Class Schedule

8 Week course: Thursdays, from 6:00-8:30 pm September 7 - October 26, 2017

Retreat: Sunday, October 15, from 8:30 am - 3:00 pm 

*Note: The first class on September 7, will be held from 6:00-9:00 pm

** Note: Class 5 will be held on Sunday, October 8, 6:00-8:30 pm, NOT on Thursday, October 5


Pricing and Scholarship Information 

The course fee is $350.  

If you are interested in financial assistance, CCFW offers two options:

  • Income-based reduced fee of $275, available to individuals with an annual household income from all sources of $60,000 or less. For more details, please email mindful@uw.edu 
  • A limited number of scholarships are available per course. To apply for a scholarship, please review criteria and complete the application form at https://catalyst.uw.edu/webq/survey/mindful/237140   Note: Scholarship applicants will be notified no later than 3 weeks prior to the first day of class (8/17/17). Applicants must wait to register for the course until a decision has been made in order to qualify. 

If you are a UW Affiliate and have department approval to pay using a UW budget transfer, you may register for a 25% discount ($262.50). Please add your department budget number at check out. 

Continuing Education Credits 

Pay extra $5.00 at registration to receive:

Please note: CCFW fees increases to $20 if credit hours or clock hours are requested AFTER the course begins. 



Cancellation Policy

Please let us know as soon as possible if you need to cancel your registration. Below are our cancellation deadlines.

Cancellation by 8/24/17: Full Refund, less $5 processing fee.
Cancellation between 8/25/17-9/7/17: 50% refund, less $5 processing fee. 
Cancellations after 9/7/2017: No refunds guaranteed after the start of the course.


Pay it Forward - Support the Scholarship Fund

If you are able to pay more for the course, we encourage you to consider donating to the Mindfulness Outreach Fund which allows CCFW to offer 50% and 100% scholarships to community members to aid in the cost of registration fees for mindfulness courses. Scholarships are awarded to increase accessibility of mindfulness and compassion training for individuals who have limited resources to obtain such training and to those who work in communities experiencing adversity. To make a donation to the scholarship fund, please visit http://giving.uw.edu/mindfulness



About the Instructor


Elizabeth H. B. Lin, MD, MPH. Dr. Lin is a family medicine physician, clinical professor at the University of Washington School of Medicine, and an adjunct scientific investigator at Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research Institute. As a physician researcher, Dr. Lin and her team have conducted innovative research to improve mind-body health in general medical settings which have been adopted worldwide. Elizabeth has had a daily meditation practice for 25 years. She has trained extensively with Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn and leaders in mindfulness, as well as Drs. Germer and Neff, founders of the Mindful Self-Compassion program. She has been teaching mindfulness and compassion for the last 7 years.  
Comments from past participants in Dr. Lin's Classes:
"Dr. Lin is a wonderful, caring, respectful and well-prepared instructor and did a fantastic job teaching this class. I particularly appreciated her taking time to answer questions in a thoughtful way. This, along with the content of what she said, was most enlightening for me, because I have begun to pause and take more time in my own communications with other people." 
"Elizabeth is a welcoming and receptive instructor and communicated her own enthusiasm for a mindfulness approach to life in general. I liked how she used her own experience as a student of mindfulness over many years." 
"Elizabeth is very thoughtful, non-judgmental, humble, and caring."
“You (Elizabeth) truly are gifted at drawing people together and toward our best selves!”
“I did not expect the life-changing experience that it (the class) turned out to be. Thank you for giving me back to my family and myself.”
Privacy Policy
The personal information you submit to the Center for Child & Family Well-Being will not be shared, sold, or disclosed to third parties in any form, for any purpose, at any time without your authorization.
Contact Information
Marcellina DesChamps
Associate Director of Programs
Center for Child & Family Well-Being
Office: 206.221.8508
Email: mindful@uw.edu

Cancellation policy

Please let us know as soon as possible if you need to cancel your registration. Below are our cancellation deadlines.

-- 2 weeks or more before first class: 100% refund minus $5 processing fee

-- Less than 2 weeks before first class: 50% refund minus $5 processing fee

-- After class begins: Refunds will not be given after the class begins.

University of Washington Center for Child & Family Well-being


The Center for Child and Family Well-Being promotes positive development for children and families by translating research for practical application.We share knowledge through education, professional training and outreach to the community.

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