WJRC Columbia University Bus Trip

Saturday, Oct 19, 2019 at 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM EST

915 Route 73, Mount Laurel, NJ, 08054, United States

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Bus Ticket to Columbia University, snacks Partial Approval - $45.00

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Saturday, Oct 19, 2019 at 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM EST

Hotel ML, 915 Route 73, Mount Laurel, NJ, 08054, United States.

****Please choose "PAY AT THE DOOR" and bring cash or check with you that morning of the bus trip. Eventzilla is having issues processing CC orders for us. Any questions please call Michelle Cohen at 856-816-4690.*****


Join us for a bus trip to Columbia University for the Reading and Writing Project's Saturday Teacher Reunion on October 19th, 2019. The bus will leave the Hotel ML parking lot at 6am and drop us off at the entrance of the conference. We will return to Hotel ML at approximately 6pm. Snacks and water for the bus ride will be provided. 

If you cannot attend, please gift your ticket to someone else. No refunds. 

From readingandwritingproject.com's website:

For one Saturday in the spring and fall, we open our doors to thousands of educators from all over the country. It is a fast-paced day, brimming with workshops that can help you find horizons to work towards, whether your focus is on higher level comprehension, content area literacy, units of study in writing, assessment-based instruction, increasing student engagement, or bringing books to life. We offer keynotes and closings by renowned authors and leaders in the field of education and over 125 workshops led by senior Project staff, including Lucy Calkins, Mary Ehrenworth, Amanda Hartman, Laurie Pessah and all TCRWP staff developers.

Featured Topics

  • developing state-of-the-art classroom libraries
  • teaching towards social justice
  • phonics
  • raising the levels of book clubs
  • independence and agency with revisions
  • supporting units of study
  • managing workshop instruction
  • teaching K-2 kids to write persuasive speeches and reviews
  • argument reading and writing
  • the best new fiction books
  • writing about reading

Featured Keynote:
October 19, 2019
Keynote Speaker: Peter Reynolds

The day begins at 9:00 a.m. at Riverside Church, one block west of Teachers College, and continues throughout the entire College.

The day is free of charge, without registration. It is a gift offered to the TCRWP community.

WestJersey ReadingCouncil

The mission of the West Jersey Reading Council is to promote literacy in Burlington and Camden counties through professional development, active membership, partnership with ILA and NJLA, and dissemination of pertinent research and practices.

Contact the Organizer