Well-Being Morning

Friday, Nov 3, 2017 at 10:30 AM to 12:00 PM GST

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Friday, Nov 3, 2017 at 10:30 AM to 12:00 PM GST

Would you like to attend Manor High School’s Well-Being Morning on Friday 3rd November at 10.30am.

You will have the opportunity to talk and share experiences with each other in a relaxed atmosphere, whilst enjoying a drink and bite to eat.

Places are limited.

Manor High School is a highly successful school for boys and girls aged 11-16 years. Most of our pupils come from the Oadby area. This is a desirable town on the outskirts of Leicester and the school has stunning views eastwards across the Leicestershire countryside. We also welcome a number of pupils each year from further afield across the city and the county. Our school is built around four core values: Excellence, Inspiration, Respect and Care. These underpin all aspects of life in our school. Manor High is a happy, caring and friendly school. We have supportive parents and willing learners. We benefit from and celebrate a rich cultural diversity within our school community. Our standards and expectations are very high and we strive for excellence in all areas of school life.

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