WebEOC Shelters and Centers (Interactive)

Friday, Feb 18, 2022 at 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM EST

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WebEOC - Refer to Class Title, Pre-Reqs/Participation Requirements and Target Audience before registering Partial Approval - Free

WebEOC Shelters and Centers (Interactive)

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Friday, Feb 18, 2022 at 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM EST

Course Prerequisites / Participation Requirements

  • WebEOC Basic Training (December 2021, January 2022 or February 2022) 
  • WebEOC Account (Active) and ability to login to WebEOC without assistance
  • Camera functioning and ON entire class
  • Microphone functioning
  • Basic computer skills and understanding of internet browsers
  • Commitment to actively participate during entire class session

Target Audience

  • ESF-06 partners
  • Other mass care and sheltering partners or managers
  • Municipal and tribal nation partners
  • SEOC partners


  • Please review the class title, pre-requisites/participation requirements and target audience for this class before registering. 
  • Please plan accordingly - test equipment, login credentials and practice navigation skills from the basic training course IN ADVANCE. The class will NOT cover how to login or system navigation. 
  • If you successfully register for class, including meeting all pre-requisites, a Zoom link will be sent out 15-20 minutes prior to the course start.


Cancellation policy

*****Cancellation and Registration Policy*****
Please understand that when registering for a limited access course, each registrant reserves a seat away from another potentially interested party.

We understand that everyone is busy and wearing multiple hats during these times, including our instructors.

Respectfully, however, if there is not an immediate and true emergency, we would ask that 24 hours advance notice is provided to our instructors if planning to miss a scheduled event.

This would allow those on a waitlist to be invited to participate in your absence, improves the interactive class experience, and also ensures that our instructors’ time is well spent.

Also, please understand that instructors have the right to restrict access to any event or remove participants from events.

Additionally, if you fail to provide any additional information requested and/or you do not fully complete the registration process, your registration will not be accepted.
Again, DO NOT SHARE links to virtual classes or viewing with individuals that do not have a confirmed registration!

Connecticut Emergency Management and Homeland Security


The CT DESPP Division of Emergency Management and Homeland Security is pleased to offer training to partners with active system accounts that meet the pre-requisites/participation requirements and target audience.

Contact the Organizer