Vow/YBR Professional Development Day - Brisbane

Tuesday, Jun 25, 2019 at 2:15 PM to 4:40 PM AEST

23 Leichhardt Street, Brisbane, QLD, 4000, Australia

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Tuesday, Jun 25, 2019 at 2:15 PM to 4:40 PM AEST

Hotel Grand Chancellor Brisbane, 23 Leichhardt Street, Brisbane, QLD, 4000, Australia.

Please join the team at Vow Financial and Yellow Brick Road for our Professional Development Day on Tuesday 25th June.  This event will start at the conclusion of the FBAA Commercial Masterclass. The Professional Development afternoon will consist of two panels with the following partners. 



2.15pm                 Arrival and registration

2.30pm                 Welcome – Clive Kirkpatrick

2.40pm                 Compliance Workshop

3.30pm                 Partner Panel 1

4.00pm                 Partner Panel 2

4.30pm                 Vero

4.40pm                 Wrap up and close


Panel session 1                            Panel session 2

Resicom                                        ANZ

La Trobe Commercial                     CBA                                                 

Macquarie Leasing                         Pepper                                            

Prospa                                          Westpac                                         

Think Tank                                    Bluestone                                      

Liberty Commercial                        Liberty                                            

Vow Financial


Vow Financial

Contact the Organizer