The X-Factor Of Your Team Training

Wednesday, Dec 21, 2022 at 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM AWST

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Wednesday, Dec 21, 2022 at 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM AWST

Are you able to answer the question "Does your team have what is required?" You may need to strengthen the team to help them acquire the additional skills and techniques they need to excel at work. This will allow you to grow your company faster and more effectively than if your staff was mediocre. This XFactor session is designed to transform your team into great performers and exceptional communicators. You and your team will receive the tips, tricks and techniques necessary to increase motivation, communication skill, as well as overall productivity. This interactive, skills-based training session will engage and strengthen your team.

This training session will provide the answers you've been searching for. This training session will teach your team how to work together and harmoniously to reach a common goal. This focused effort will make your organisation more efficient and effective overall . You and your team will learn basic and advanced techniques that will help them solve problems and self-motivate when they feel down. We will also address any weaknesses in your team and help them to improve their performance.

The session will include activities, games, and team building events. These are all designed to help you have a productive learning environment. The high level of interaction in these activities will ensure that the lessons learned here will be remembered long after the participants return to work. This training session will help you get your organization performing at its best while identifying and eliminating inefficiency and ineffectiveness.

X Factor Objectives

Stay Motivated 24/7

Find out how to create motivation. Participants will receive techniques that will allow them to create motivation when they feel low.

Communication techniques can be used to help you find solutions faster

Communication techniques can be used to communicate with others and help them understand our needs. Communication techniques are useful in creating solutions, enabling teams to be more productive and allowing them to control the outcome. This session will help you improve your communication skills for your team.

Body Language and Its Positives (changing emotion)

It can be impressive to learn how to change or improve your emotion through the use of bodylanguage. Emotion is essential in problem solving, communication, and the delivery of presentations. We also discuss how body language can help a team work together.

Time management tips

Time is money. This saying may be familiar to you, and it is true. A team that has good time management skills can become more productive and more effective. Participants will be taught by our trainer how to use simple time management techniques to stay on track and achieve the goals within the given timeframe.

Human error and solving relationship problems

There are always difficulties in all teams. There are many different values, personalities, opinions, and points of view that can cause pressure to a team. Participants will be provided with information by the trainer on how to handle common problems and issues within their teams.

Problem Solving Toolkit

This section is added to the training session in order to encourage participants to be more active and motivated to solve problems.

Tailor Your X-Factor

There are many team building courses that can be customized to meet the needs of your company and industry. We can help you with your training requirements if your objectives are not covered. Please call us to get a free outline. We are available to help you book training sessions in any major city, including Perth, Melbourne and Adelaide, Darwin, Gold Coast. Brisbane, Sydney, Canberra, Canberra, Parramatta.

Paramount Training & Development