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Friday, Mar 26, 2021 at 5:00 PM to 9:00 PM MDT
1300, North Central Avenue, Phoenix, AZ, 85004, United States
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This GA ticket is good for admission to the TEDxGrandCanyonUniversity event.
New City Church, 1300, Phoenix, AZ, 85004, United States.
TEDxGrandCanyonUniversity is a platform that awakens the world to fresh ideas that otherwise may be unknown. Join us for an exciting night of curiosity, discovery, storytelling, and revelation at TEDxGrandCanyonUniversity 2021. Attendees will experience TEDx talks from 6 amazing speakers and unique performances.
Today, the term verified has a plethora of standards, definitions, and assumptions associated with it. Largely revolving around status and influence, the term is thought to be one of the highest obtainable forms of prestige for influencers, creators, and celebrities alike.
Alternately, verified should mean finding approval within yourself rather than letting society tell you if you're worthy enough. You do not need "verification" from others, but the "verification" of our inner self. Verification no longer lies within the hands of the public, but in the very hands that work to bring you to your goals.
TEDx Grand Canyon University is a completely student planned, organized and executed TEDx. This event is run and led by students, all leaders in a specific field, to coordinate a large-scale event. This provides the students with an opportunity to gain real life experience, hone skills while discovering where their passions lie, and to build something great. An opportunity to not only bring the GCU student population together, but also to bring the community of Phoenix together. We will also provide a platform for individuals in Phoenix to finally have a place to express their ideas. Each year we will pursue a more pristine and effective impact, always innovating, always learning, and always moving.
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Copper State Credit Union
Artisan Modern Colour + Print
Canyon Promotions
Air 1 Radio
New City
GCU Hotel
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