STARS Zoom Hangout (Group D), 6/4

Thursday, Jun 4, 2020 at 6:45 PM to 7:15 PM CST

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Teen with Down Syndrome Partial Approval - Free

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Thursday, Jun 4, 2020 at 6:45 PM to 7:15 PM CST

Teens will log on to a Zoom meeting and have the opportunity to interact with their STARS friends! We know it's difficult when you aren't able to see and talk to friends in person, so we wanted to provide an opportunity for groups to get together and catch up virtually. Each meeting will be 30 minutes long, and will be a laid-back space where teens can interact as much or as little as they like. DSG staff will be present to moderate each meeting and make sure everyone has a chance to interact. For safety and security, Zoom meeting links will be sent directly to registered families prior to the scheduled hangout. 

Guidelines for call etiquette and expectations:

  1. DSG staff will moderate the conversation, allowing for participants to take turns. We will mute the entire room to begin, and then give everyone a chance to talk one at a time and then open up for free discussion.
  2. If a participant might get distracted by looking at themselves, there is an option set your video where only other participants will see it. We will explain how to turn this on at the beginning of the call.
  3. We want to be flexible and not limit anyone’s opportunity to speak, but if any participants are disrupting their peers we will have to briefly mute their audio to keep attention on the speaker.
  4. If possible please join with video, as it makes it much easier for their peers to engage with them when they can see them.

There will be four meeting sessions each week. There will be two meetings each Wednesday and Thursday at 6:00pm and 6:45pm. 


Group A, 6:00pm

Group B, 6:45pm


Group C, 6:00pm

Group D, 6:45pm


Teens ages 12 to 18 with Down syndrome are welcome to join any STARS activity throughout the school year.  Visit for more information.  Please note, all STARS events are a no-parent zone unless otherwise specified. You must register your teen first for each event. Space is limited.


Cancellation policy

If you are cancelling your registration, please contact the school age program manager at 24 hours prior to the event.

Down Syndrome Innovations

The Down Syndrome Guild of Greater Kansas City is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization whose mission is to provide support and resources for individuals with Down syndrome, their families and the professionals who serve them. DSG seeks to provide the entire community with information and education to broaden awareness and foster positive attitudes regarding people with Down syndrome.

Contact the Organizer