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Saturday, Jul 28, 2018 at 7:30 AM to 5:00 PM MST
Site 1, Box 42, RR# 2, Sundre, Alberta, T0M 1X0, Canada
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Bearberry Community Hall, Site 1, Box 42, RR# 2, Sundre, Alberta, T0M 1X0, Canada.
July 27, 2018 (Fri) - Travel day and informal gathering at Bearberry Saloon Bar and Grill (located next to Bearberry Hall).
July 28, 2018 (Sat) - Tours and Technical speakers - Meet at Bearberry Community Hall
7:30-8:30 am - Breakfast and registration
8:30-9:00 - Welcome and introductions
9:00-10:00 - Board bus and travel to site 1
10:00-12:00 - Range Health Assessment methodology
12:00-1:30 pm - Lunch at picnic site: Deer Creek Day Use area
1:30-4:00 - Historical ungulate numbers and rangeland forage trends
4:30 - Wrap up and travel back to Bearberry Hall. Return to hall by 5:00 pm Lisa Raatz
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