Social Etiquette Training

Wednesday, Apr 12, 2023 at 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM AEST

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Wednesday, Apr 12, 2023 at 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM AEST

Australia Wide: Sydney. Brisbane. Adelaide. Melbourne. Perth. Canberra. Geelong. Gold Coast. Parramatta.

Sometimes social interaction can seem complicated. It is essential to work within a framework of established social rules and laws. These unwritten rules and regulations were created for many reasons. Some are too obscure or esoteric for modern society, but most were designed to facilitate interactions among people from different backgrounds. These differences created the need for something that would allow all parties to make connections and allow them to interact. Thus Social Etiquette was born.

However, it was a complex and confusing minefield for inexperienced or uninitiated to navigate at first. The fact that most people are unaware of the principles of Social Etiquette, and take offense to any slights made against them by others who are not well-informed, experienced, or inexperienced only makes matters worse. This can lead to a disastrous outcome in places like the workplace where interaction is paramount.

The various types of Social Etiquette expected of them

This training program focuses on social etiquette. While there are many universal mannerisms and attitudes that all forms social etiquette adhere to, some behaviors may not be acceptable in other social settings. Social Etiquette training teaches learners how to adapt to different social situations, such as the workplace, meetings, parties and others.

Define acceptable and unacceptable behaviors, and the reasons why they are

Although most of the dos and don’ts of Social Etiquette can be difficult to define, they are easy to recognize once the appropriate markers have been demonstrated or shown to casual observers. These behaviors are shown in simulations which attempt to replicate or imitate normal interactions. After this, learners learn the reasons behind these behaviors and how they are viewed by others. This is done using both historical contexts as well as practical reasons. This gives learners a better understanding of the behavior in general.

Demonstrate proficiency in the use of various media channels/methods to social interaction

Many media options are available for social interaction in the workplace and beyond. These media include traditional media like the written word and telephones as well as the high-tech world of online social media and other platforms that allow people to communicate online. Social Etiquette Training will cover all aspects of etiquette, from informal interactions between people to those in the workplace and meetings, as well how to use, converse or otherwise use these tools for social interaction. This will ensure that learners have a better understanding of etiquette, its importance and relevance, even in new media.

You can work with people who are difficult

The most difficult people are one of the greatest challenges for learners of Social Etiquette. There are many types of these individuals, ranging from the ignorant and uninformed to those who intentionally violate the socially acceptable standards for whatever reason. Our learners will learn many methods of dealing with these individuals. However, it is equally important that our learners are able to recognize the intent of the violators. While there may be ways to handle these troublemakers in neutral fashion, others require more serious measures and should only be taken if necessary. Learners are therefore given strategies and methods to help them identify the intent of these people and deal with them in the best way possible.

Promote social etiquette

Social etiquette is more than just a set of behavior, mannerisms and gestures that one must follow when engaging in social situations. It also refers to a philosophy and mindset that allows one to display and perform the required actions, attitudes and behaviors with greater motivation. These can be taught and demonstrated by learners, much like the technical aspects of Social Etiquette Training.

Paramount Training and Development is sensitive to the needs of society and people who use Social Etiquette in their daily lives. However, it also understands why certain individuals are motivated by society or themselves to acquire the necessary skills. Social Etiquette Training is for the uninitiated and those who are challenged. It teaches them the basics as well as the more complicated aspects of social etiquette.

Social etiquette is like a complex dance. You need to consider many things before and during your performance. These include the basic elements of social context, acceptable and unacceptable behavior, how one can be polite and show socially acceptable behavior, how one deals with problematic individuals, how they can assist or mitigate their ability to disrupt this delicate waltz, as well how these behaviors extend beyond media that we use with our eyes and ears. Paramount Training and Development sees the importance of these social etiquette standards and many more that many people don't understand or are unable to comply with. To help these people see the importance of social etiquette, we created the Social Etiquette Training program.

Paramount Training & Development