Protecting Your Assets in 2021 and Beyond

Tuesday, Jun 29, 2021 at 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM EDT

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Tuesday, Jun 29, 2021 at 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM EDT

Joe Biden's tax plan could have a big impact on your finances.  Join us for a free webinar to learn about how you can use smart gift planning to maximize your deductions.
Please join us on Tuesday, June 29th at 2 PM ET to learn about the implications of the coming changes that the Biden Administration has in store for corporate, individual, capital gains rates; estate and gift tax proposals and how these likely alterations may impact you.
This session will be led by Jonathan Gudema, Esq., planned giving attorney and consultant to the Dominican Friars Foundation, and he will update us on the essential steps that everyone needs to consider for their retirement and estate planning, particularly in light of the sweeping changes being proposed in Congress.  Jonathan will review charitable estate giving options that will help you establish your own philanthropic legacy, particularly in regards to advancing the mission of the Dominican Friars.
This Webinar will be moderated by Mr. Rossano Rovello, Director of Donor Stewardship and Planned Giving, with opening remarks by Father Gabriel Gillen, Executive Director of the Dominican Friars Foundation.
This event is free, but registration is required.
Participants can watch and listen to the 45 minute PowerPoint presentation via their computers, tablets or smartphones, OR they may just call in and listen. 
A Q&A will follow in which listeners can ask questions via chat on the webinar platform. You must join via a web browser to participate in the Q&A.
For more information, please contact:
Rossano S. Rovello, Director of Donor Stewardship & Planned Giving
Dominican Friars Foundation

O: 646-350-0108

Don't miss this opportunity!

Planned Giving Advisors

Rossano S. Rovello, Director of Donor Stewardship & Planned Giving, Dominican Friars Foundation

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