Preparing your National Science Foundation Campus Cyberinfrastructure CC* Proposal - Part 3

Wednesday, Jan 10, 2018 at 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM EST

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Wednesday, Jan 10, 2018 at 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM EST

FREE Webinar for higher education professionals!

Part 3 webinar provides insight into National Science Foundation (NSF) Campus Cyberinfrastructure CC* proposal preparation.

KINBER brings you an in-depth look at the program that enables you to build your campus infrastructure or develop tools and support for robust research projects that require a network like PennREN. The NSF Campus Cyberinfrastructure CC* 2018 program invests in coordinated campus-level networking improvements, innovation, integration, and engineering for science applications and distributed research projects. Learning and workforce development (LWD) in cyberinfrastructure is explicitly addressed in the program. Science-driven requirements are the primary motivation for any proposed activity. Grant awards range from $500,000 - $3,500,000 over a two-year to four-year period. Join Wendy Huntoon, President and CEO, KINBER for this in depth webinar to: 

•    Understand the requirements of a proposal submission.

•    Understand what KINBER resources are available to help you respond to the solicitation.

•    Have your questions answered. 

•    Discuss and explore possibilities for coordinated activities.

Register by January 9, 2018, to guarantee your spot! 

A confirmation email with webinar details will be sent to you.

This training/webinar is presented by the the Keystone Initiative for Network Based Education and Research (KINBER), a not-for-profit membership organization that provides broadband connectivity, fosters collaboration, and promotes the innovative use of digital technologies for the benefit of Pennsylvania.

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