Planned Giving Boot Camp webinar training - Sept Oct 2020

Wednesday, Sep 16, 2020 at 12:00 PM to Wednesday, Oct 21, 2020 at 1:15 PM EST

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Group Price Partial Approval - $350.00

TO JOIN THE PROGRAM, YOU MUST PAY FOR ONE ATTENDEE - One price for your group of up to 15 individuals.

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Additional attendees Partial Approval - Free

Feel free to add up to 15 individuals to your registration - all will receive emails with login info and links to view the webinars at the locations of their choice.

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Wednesday, Sep 16, 2020 at 12:00 PM to Wednesday, Oct 21, 2020 at 1:15 PM EST

This webinar course is designed to propel fundraisers into the area of planned giving. Each session will be up to 1.25 hours long. The 6 sessions take place over a 6-week period - same time slot each week. While it is hoped that participants will attend each live session, the webinars will be recorded so that all registered participants can catch up on missed sessions. Access to Planned Giving Advisors’ virtual library of various planned giving related documents is included as part of the program as well as other resources provided through the course. The fee per organization is $350 (Up to 15 individuals can be registered for this fee, who can view the webinars together or in separate locations).  7.25 CFRE Credits will be available for this program.

1. Introduction to Planned Giving – This session will define what “planned giving” should mean to an average fundraiser, make the case for all nonprofits to ramp up their planned giving efforts, and provide an overview of all of the giving options that will be covered during the entire course.

2. From Static to Dynamic: Transforming Your Planned Giving Programs To Get Results – This session will focus on the steps and approaches needed to implement, launch and/or upgrade your legacy giving program.  Planned giving marketing activities are often static and see very little results and/or interactions with actual prospects.  We will cover various marketing and promotional ideas, and how to transform them into real and immediate results.

3. Initiating The Legacy Conversation And Getting To The Ask – This session will focus on a core challenge in cross-training fundraisers in planned giving: initiating planned giving conversations and leading these conversations to a completed gift. We will not only discuss several actual case studies but we will ask participants to introduce their own case studies for group discussion and turning your “case for legacy giving” into your legacy giving “elevator-pitch.”

4. Primer on Basic Tax Law and Financial Planning Concepts – This session is designed to clarify the various tax and financial planning issues that your prospects may expect you to be conversant on during planned giving discussions – a must for fundraisers discussing planned gifts and any complex gift arrangement.  We will also cover new laws included in the SECURE and Cares Acts that impact fundraising.

5. Life Income Gifts – This session will delve into the entire area of “life income gifts,” seen by many as the heart of planned giving providing some of the most interesting options for donors to consider. Building upon our initial introduction to planned giving vehicles and tax/financial planning concepts in prior sessions, we will go into depth on the specific options available, the details as to how they work, and start preparing fundraisers to identify ideal circumstances and how to initiate conversations.

6. Bequests and Other Testamentary Gifts – This session will go into depth on what has proven to be the largest source of planned giving revenue by far in the nonprofit sector: bequests and other testamentary gifts. While bequests are often referred to as the most “simple” of planned gifts, there are numerous details and options fundraisers need to be aware of to maximize their effectiveness in this area. Additionally, we will cover non-Will testamentary options like IRAs and other account designations, which are becoming more and more important among baby-boomer prospects.

Planned Giving Advisors

Jonathan Gudema, Esq., Principal and Founder of Planned Giving Advisors, LLC.

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Jonathan Gudema, Esq.
Principal, Planned Giving Advisors, LLC
Jonathan has over 20 years of experience working with and advising non-profit organizations on planned gift arrangements and tax-advantaged charitable estate planning options. An attorney by training, Jonathan has played key roles in helping non-profit organizations manage planned giving programs, working with staff, donors and their advisors in cultivating and closing significant planned gifts. Prior to founding Planned Giving Advisors in 2011, Jonathan was a Managing Director at Changing our World, the third largest U.S. based fundraising consulting firm. As a member of the firm’s senior management team he led consulting projects and outsourced the planned giving staff for several major clients. Jonathan has also held senior positions in planned giving at the Anti-Defamation League, United Jewish Communities and Continuum Health Partners where he was responsible for cultivating planned gifts and managing their planned giving programs. Jonathan is also the author of The Planned Giving Blog (, which provides news and commentary on the field of planned giving with over 1,600 subscribers and 165,000 visitors since its launch in 2010. In 2014, Jonathan launched the Planned Giving Boot Camp, a 6-part webinar series which has already trained over 2,500 fundraisers in the basics of planned giving as well as several more advanced training sessions. Jonathan earned a B.A. in Political Science from Rutgers University and a J.D. from Western New England College School of Law.

About Jonathan Gudema, Esq.

Principal, Planned Giving Advisors, LLC