OAC February 2017

Saturday, Feb 25, 2017 at 10:00 AM to Sunday, Feb 26, 2017 at 5:00 PM PST

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Oneness Awakening Course Partial Approval - $108.00

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Saturday, Feb 25, 2017 at 10:00 AM to Sunday, Feb 26, 2017 at 5:00 PM PST



A two Day Course for Spiritual Awakening

and to become a Oneness Blessing Giver.

February 25th and 26th 

Sat and Sun 10-5pm 



The Oneness Awakening course, taught over two days is designed simply to help a person move beyond the limitations and structures of the mind. When we are identified with the mind-- when we filter our experience through our past conditioning-- we are in fact not living, but merely existing, merely surviving. When we live within the structures of the mind, we are not actually alive at all. The purpose of life is simply to live-- to experience reality as it is-- that natural state where the senses are alive, the heart is open, in direct contact with the Oneness in everything.


The course will make use of all of the various teachings and processes that the Trainer has received from the Oneness University and through their own life experience. It is not a course to convey information or to help you to work on yourself, but rather a vehicle through which to show you directly what life is like outside the realm of the mind-- that vast peace, stillness, and love that is revealed in direct experience.


This is a very sacred, divinely led process which culminates in the transmission of a very special Deeksha by the Oneness Trainer. 


 What makes this Deeksha unique is that it comes directly from the Divine. It is a direct transfer from the Divine to the recipient, with the sole purpose of taking the recipient into the state of Oneness and Awakening—that same state enjoyed by saints, sages, and mystics world over.

The Deeksha is transferred as part of a three-fold process, which serves to prepare the recipient to receive this Divine benediction. 

First, the physical body is prepared through dancing, an ancient ritual practiced by all cultures and traditions as a way to open to the Divine. Through this dancing, the kundalini is activated and the chakras are opened. Next, the participant is guided through a process of chanting to fill the mind and unconscious with the presence of the Divine and to clear away any remaining obstacles to the full receipt of the Deeksha. This chanting serves to “program” the mind and energy body for Awakening. Finally, the participants receive Deeksha itself, in a sacred ceremony.

Once a participant goes through the Oneness Awakening Course, they are initiated as a Oneness Deeksha Giver, and will be shown how to give Deeksha to others.


Debra Apsara incorporates Advanced Trainer processes and materials into this course for a very unique experience.

You will experience:

  1. Sanskrit chanting of powerful mantras
  2. Sacred Processes 
  3. Ananda Mandala
  4. Chakra Dhyana
  5. Bond with your Divine Process





Debra Apsara Oneness Trainer came onto this planet smiling and talking with God. Her Mother would often go in to her room to see if she was sleeping and Debra would have her hands straight up in the air giggling and playing with something above her. Her Mother said it was Angels… Since 2006 Debra has been on a mission to help Awaken Humanity. Her passion to have fun, expand and truly live life affecting all around her. She is dedicated to her own growth in consciousness, which brings her to India multiple times a year to be in the Grace of the Temple of the Supreme Light. She hosts a Sacred Chambers in Las Vegas, is an Organizer for Oneness University, leader for Oneness Las Vegas and Livestreams all over the world.  
See you all soon.. 
Space is Limited so register now.

Debra Apsara


Debra Apsara Oneness Organizer and Trainer

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