NCMA Denver Leadership Stories - A Learning Journey to Seeing Excellence: Learning from Great Procurement Teams

Thursday, Oct 24, 2019 at 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM MST

1245 Champa Street, Denver, CO, 80204, United States

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NCMA Denver Leadership Stories - October Non-member Partial Approval - $24.00

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NCMA Denver Leadership Stories - October Member Partial Approval - $20.00

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Thursday, Oct 24, 2019 at 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM MST

The Commons on Champa, 1245 Champa Street, Denver, CO, 80204, United States.


Please join NCMA Denver as we learn proven leadership strategies from leaders throughout Denver’s contracting community. On October 24, 2019 Mr. Richard Pennington will present “A Learning Journey to Seeing Excellence: Learning from Great Procurement Teams”, which focuses on successful stories from state and local Government procurement to illustrate essential disciplines of effective teams. The format of the evening will consist of a 1 hour presentation followed by 1 hour of open discussion and networking.


Light snacks and refreshments will be provided. Attendees will earn 1 CPE.


Teams are the lifeblood of organizations. Procurement teams are part of their circulatory system. This is the story about how Seeing Excellence evolved from TQM (remember that?), through a newly-formed Colorado division of finance and procurement, and beyond.  Used now by the National Institute of Governmental Purchasing in the inaugural class of NIGP’s Leaders Edge leadership development program, the book builds on stories from state and local government procurement to illustrate essential disciplines of effective teams, including lateral leadership. (CMBOK 1.0 Leadership; 3.5 Knowledge Management; 3.6 Team Dynamics).


Speaker: Richard Pennington


From 2013 to 2018, Richard Pennington was general counsel to NASPO ValuePoint, the nonprofit subsidiary of the National Association of State Procurement Officials that supports the states in their national cooperative procurements. Previously, he served of counsel to the Denver office of McKenna, Long & Aldridge LLP, where he advised clients on federal, state and local government procurement. Richard is a former director of the Colorado Division of Finance and Procurement, State Purchasing Director, and procurement/fiscal law attorney for the Colorado Attorney General.


Richard is a retired Air Force Colonel and judge advocate who started his career as a B-52 pilot and later became a judge advocate specializing in federal procurement. Richard received his Air Force commission and undergraduate B.S. degree in engineering mechanics from the Air Force Academy, a J.D. degree from the University of Denver, and a Master of Laws degree in government procurement law from The George Washington University.


Richard is the author of Seeing Excellence: Learning from Great Procurement Teams and has written over 35 articles about public procurement for national publications and conferences.




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