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Sunday, Aug 25, 2019 at 12:00 PM to Thursday, Aug 29, 2019 at 4:00 PM PST
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You are invited to participate in a special event at the end of summer; a retreat designed for young believers who are who are out of high school and not yet married. The retreat is an opportunity to take a pause at the end of a busy summer, relax with friends, grow in your faith, and refresh your spirit before heading back to school or work.The retreat is held at Lost Creek Village - a beautiful facility located on a river in the mountains of central Washington, with stunning hiking and fun adventures nearby. Time at the retreat will include great speakers taking up relevant and helpful topics, good music, fun activities and lots of free time. Our prayer is that this event will strengthen friendships, encourage you in your faith, and equip you for service for our Lord! There will be no work for you to do. You are invited to come and relax, enjoy yourself with friends, and be spiritually fed.This retreat is hosted by the Christians at Clearview Gospel Hall and is free. Your costs for the 4 day retreat will be completely taken care of.
This retreat is organized by the Christians at Clearview Gospel Hall, for young adult believers who are devoting significant time and energy into outreach activities. The retreat is a time to relax, socialize, and be built up spiritually at the end of a busy summer.
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