MO-SECA Business Academy - Kirksville

Friday, Jun 21, 2024 at 12:00 PM to Saturday, Jun 22, 2024 at 3:00 PM CDT

100 E Normal Ave, Kirksville, Missouri, 63501, United States

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Friday, Jun 21, 2024 at 12:00 PM to Saturday, Jun 22, 2024 at 3:00 PM CDT

Truman State University, 100 E Normal Ave, Kirksville, Missouri, 63501, United States.

This Business Academy offers valuable tools for improving the management of your program. Whether you are a director, coordinator, or family child care owner/operator, you will find valuable tools for running an early childhood business and gain skills to use them effectively. Join us for these encouraging sessions to pick up some gems that will make your work life better and drive change in your program to make it more efficient and effective. Rub shoulders with other program leaders, learn from their experiences, and share what is working for you.

Early Childhood Innovation Center at UMKC - IHD

The Early Childhood Innovation Center (ECIC) at UMKC's Institute for Human Development

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Sessions on Jun 21, 2024

12:00 PM

New to MO-SECA? Start Here! (Optional)

12:00 PM - 12:30 PM
    Jacklyn Aldrich
    MO-SECA Project CoordinatorUMKC-IHD Early Childhood Innovation Center
    Jacklyn Aldrich is the Project Coordinator for the MOSECA. She has been working in public education for the past 22 years in both large districts and small rural districts as a classroom teacher in PreK-4th grades, Special Education teacher in PreK-12th grades, School Based Behavioral Specialist, Parent as Teachers Director, Preschool Director, Curriculum Director, Special Services Coordinator and Director, and Grants Writer and Grants Administrator. Jacklyn received her bachelor's in elementary education from Southwest Missouri State University, a master's in Curriculum and Instruction (Reading Emphasis) from Grand Canyon University, and a Specialist in School Administration (Special Education Director). Her family (husband, herself, and four kids) reside in Chadwick, Missouri, where they operate a working farm.
    12:30 PM

    Plenary Session: The Upside of Getting Down to Business

    12:30 PM - 02:00 PM
      Susan Schmidt
      Content SpecialistUMKC - IHD Early Childhood Innovation Center
      Susan Tomlinson Schmidt, MPA, ACNP, joined Early Childhood Innovation Center in June 2023. Schmidt brings a distinguished background in workforce development systems that bridge early career recruitment to education pathways with employment on-ramps and lifelong learning opportunities. Most recently, she served as President of the Nonprofit Leadership Alliance, a national network of universities, employers, and working professionals focused on building the capacity of the nonprofit workforce. In her career, Schmidt led the Institute of Philanthropy and Nonprofit Leadership at The University of Memphis.
      02:15 PM

      Risky Business: Managing Risk in Your Center

      02:15 PM - 03:45 PM
        Christy Roberts
        Community TrainerUMSL- Community Innovation and Action Center
        Christy holds a bachelor’s degree in Speech Pathology and has been involved in early childhood for 25 years. The past 18 years have been in the Parents as Teachers (PAT) world starting as a parent educator for two Missouri school districts and then moving to Parents as Teachers National Center working with affiliate programs nationwide. Currently she enjoys facilitating training for PAT and the MO-SECA project. Additional training experience has been with Missouri's Parent Training and Information Center, MPACT, training and educating families of children with disabilities on their rights under IDEA. A special personal and professional highlight has been traveling with her son and delivering conference plenaries on their family’s experience receiving an autism diagnosis. Her passion is to shine a light of awareness, inclusion, and belonging for individuals of all abilities. Her most important roles are wife to Ed Roberts, and mom to Will, 23; Griffin, 21; and Laney, 12.

        What Makes You Unique? Your Program's Strategic Fit

        02:15 PM - 03:45 PM
          Leah Moser
          Training SpecialistUMSL
          As the Planning and Operations Lead at CIAC, Leah provides strategic support and planning for the Center’s project development, including the MO-SECA early childhood initiative, and develops internal systems across projects, governance and Center operations. Leah previously served as the Director of Planning and Partnerships at Generate Health, a St. Louis based maternal health coalition focused on eliminating racial disparities in birth outcomes. Previously, Leah was the Program Director at the Lerner Center for Public Health Promotion and Population Health at Syracuse University where she managed the Healthy Monday Syracuse health promotion campaign and supported a portfolio of community-driven initiatives to reduce the community burden of chronic disease. Leah earned a master’s degree in public health and is a Certified Health Education Specialist who has earned certificates in health services management and creative leadership. Her interests are in multi-sector collaborations and place-based strategies to build strength with communities.

          Business Planning for Growth - Part 1

          02:15 PM - 03:45 PM
            Bryce Cardwell
            Small Business CounselorMissouri SBDC
            04:00 PM

            Secure Your Business: Risk Management for Family Childcare

            04:00 PM - 05:30 PM
              Christy Weisel
              Trainer SpecialistChild Care Aware® of Missouri
              Christy Weisel has her Master’s Degree in Business Administration and her undergrad degree in Elementary Education. She owned and directed her own child care program for 18 years and currently is the Director of United Cerebral Palsy Heartland Child Development Center for the last 16 years. In the past five years, she has delivered curriculum for Child Care Aware® of Missouri and recently lead two cohorts of the MO-SECA business trainings to family child care providers.

              Let's Get Moving! Motivating EC Staff

              04:00 PM - 05:30 PM
                Christy Roberts
                Community TrainerUMSL- Community Innovation and Action Center
                Christy holds a bachelor’s degree in Speech Pathology and has been involved in early childhood for 25 years. The past 18 years have been in the Parents as Teachers (PAT) world starting as a parent educator for two Missouri school districts and then moving to Parents as Teachers National Center working with affiliate programs nationwide. Currently she enjoys facilitating training for PAT and the MO-SECA project. Additional training experience has been with Missouri's Parent Training and Information Center, MPACT, training and educating families of children with disabilities on their rights under IDEA. A special personal and professional highlight has been traveling with her son and delivering conference plenaries on their family’s experience receiving an autism diagnosis. Her passion is to shine a light of awareness, inclusion, and belonging for individuals of all abilities. Her most important roles are wife to Ed Roberts, and mom to Will, 23; Griffin, 21; and Laney, 12.

                Business Planning for Growth - Part 2

                04:00 PM - 05:30 PM
                  Bryce Cardwell
                  Small Business CounselorMissouri SBDC

                  Sessions on Jun 22, 2024

                  08:30 AM

                  Plenary Session: Voices of Vision: Operational Effectiveness in EC Programs

                  08:30 AM - 10:00 AM
                    Jennifer Biles
                    Plenary SpeakerNational Presenter
                    Jennifer Biles has over 25 years of experience in early childhood education, ranging from teaching student teachers to owning and operating her own childcare center. She has a master's degree in Early Childhood and is a Certified Business Analyst. Jennifer has a passion for training and coaching educators in the early childhood field. She believes that directors and owners of childcare centers need to dedicate time to working “on” their business and not merely just “in” their business.
                    10:15 AM

                    Business Practices and Supports for Family Childcare - Part I: Community is Key

                    10:15 AM - 11:45 AM
                      Christy Weisel
                      Trainer SpecialistChild Care Aware® of Missouri
                      Christy Weisel has her Master’s Degree in Business Administration and her undergrad degree in Elementary Education. She owned and directed her own child care program for 18 years and currently is the Director of United Cerebral Palsy Heartland Child Development Center for the last 16 years. In the past five years, she has delivered curriculum for Child Care Aware® of Missouri and recently lead two cohorts of the MO-SECA business trainings to family child care providers.

                      Improving Performance Through Staff Evaluation

                      10:15 AM - 11:45 AM
                        Christy Roberts
                        Community TrainerUMSL- Community Innovation and Action Center
                        Christy holds a bachelor’s degree in Speech Pathology and has been involved in early childhood for 25 years. The past 18 years have been in the Parents as Teachers (PAT) world starting as a parent educator for two Missouri school districts and then moving to Parents as Teachers National Center working with affiliate programs nationwide. Currently she enjoys facilitating training for PAT and the MO-SECA project. Additional training experience has been with Missouri's Parent Training and Information Center, MPACT, training and educating families of children with disabilities on their rights under IDEA. A special personal and professional highlight has been traveling with her son and delivering conference plenaries on their family’s experience receiving an autism diagnosis. Her passion is to shine a light of awareness, inclusion, and belonging for individuals of all abilities. Her most important roles are wife to Ed Roberts, and mom to Will, 23; Griffin, 21; and Laney, 12.

                        Understanding Your Center's Financial Statements - Part 1

                        10:15 AM - 11:45 AM
                          Sean Freeman
                          Trainer SpecialistSmall Business Development Center (SBDC)
                          01:15 PM

                          Business Practices and Supports for Family Childcare- Part 2: Increasing Revenue

                          01:15 PM - 02:45 PM
                            Christy Weisel
                            Trainer SpecialistChild Care Aware® of Missouri
                            Christy Weisel has her Master’s Degree in Business Administration and her undergrad degree in Elementary Education. She owned and directed her own child care program for 18 years and currently is the Director of United Cerebral Palsy Heartland Child Development Center for the last 16 years. In the past five years, she has delivered curriculum for Child Care Aware® of Missouri and recently lead two cohorts of the MO-SECA business trainings to family child care providers.

                            Making Your Communications Stick

                            01:15 PM - 02:45 PM
                              Christy Roberts
                              Community TrainerUMSL- Community Innovation and Action Center
                              Christy holds a bachelor’s degree in Speech Pathology and has been involved in early childhood for 25 years. The past 18 years have been in the Parents as Teachers (PAT) world starting as a parent educator for two Missouri school districts and then moving to Parents as Teachers National Center working with affiliate programs nationwide. Currently she enjoys facilitating training for PAT and the MO-SECA project. Additional training experience has been with Missouri's Parent Training and Information Center, MPACT, training and educating families of children with disabilities on their rights under IDEA. A special personal and professional highlight has been traveling with her son and delivering conference plenaries on their family’s experience receiving an autism diagnosis. Her passion is to shine a light of awareness, inclusion, and belonging for individuals of all abilities. Her most important roles are wife to Ed Roberts, and mom to Will, 23; Griffin, 21; and Laney, 12.

                              Understanding Your Center's Financial Statements - Part 2

                              01:15 PM - 02:45 PM
                                Sean Freeman
                                Trainer SpecialistSmall Business Development Center (SBDC)