Launch GLEC Framework 1.0

Thursday, Jun 23, 2016 at 1:00 PM to 7:00 PM EST

10 G Street, NE, Suite 800, Washington, DC, 20002, United States

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The GLEC Framework will be available after the Launch on 23 June. Please register if you would like to receive a copy.

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GLEC Framework Meet the Experts - 1-3PM - RSVP Partial Approval - Free

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GLEC Framework Launch - 3-5PM - RSVP Partial Approval - Free

The Global Logistics Emissions Council (GLEC) of industry initiatives, associations and leading multinationals involved in freight movement led by Smart Freight Centre, invite you to celebrate the launch of a universal and transparent way of calculating logistics emissions: the GLEC Framework 1.0 1 - 3 PM: Meet the experts and networking Everything you want to ask about GLEC 3 - 5 PM: Launch Celebrate the official launch of the GLEC Framework 1.0 with us! We will showcase the origin, development and future of the Framework and look at the business benefits of applying it 5 – 7 PM: Drinks!

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Thursday, Jun 23, 2016 at 1:00 PM to 7:00 PM EST

WRI US Offices , 10 G Street, NE, Washington, DC, 20002, United States.

The Global Logistics Emissions Council (GLEC) of industry initiatives, associations and leading multinationals involved in freight movement led by Smart Freight Centre, invite you to celebrate the launch of a universal and transparent way of calculating logistics emissions: the GLEC Framework 1.0

1 - 3 PM: Meet the experts and networking
Everything you want to ask about GLEC

3 - 5 PM:  Launch
Celebrate the official launch of the GLEC Framework 1.0 with us! We will showcase the origin, development and future of the Framework and look at the business benefits of applying it

5 – 7 PM:  Drinks!


Smart Freight Centre

Smart Freight Centre (SFC) was established in 2013 as a global non-profit organization and aims to make the global freight sector more efficient and environmentally sustainable. SFC is dedicated to remove market barriers and leverage existing initiatives to catalyze the uptake of practical solutions throughout industry that improve fuel efficiency, reduce emissions and lower operating costs. SFC can play this role because it is a fit-for-purpose organization with secured funding, independent from industry or government, and has a global network across stakeholder groups. SFC has established the Global Logistics Emissions Council (GLEC) as a platform for industry initiatives, associations and multinationals to develop a global methodology framework.

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