Introducing the Global Architecture for Digital Identity (GADI)

Wednesday, Sep 9, 2020 at 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM PDT

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Wednesday, Sep 9, 2020 at 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM PDT

This webinar introduces the Global Architecture for Digital Identity (GADI), the Global Trusted Platform of the DID Alliance.

The DID Alliance is an open industry association created to drive the development of a standardized, interoperable framework for decentralized identity services to ensure the authenticity of an established trust in digital identities.

This webinar coincides with the publication of a white paper, created by Goode Intelligence in partnership with the DID Alliance that investigates current challenges with digital identity including accountability and trust issues, fragmentation, duplication, a lack of ownership and control for identity owners, and weak binding between physical and digital identity.

Join the report author, Alan Goode, CEO and Chief Analyst at Goode Intelligence with founders and members of the DID Alliance to discuss why we need a new method to add trust and accountability into digital identity.



  • Chair: Alan Goode, CEO and Chief Analyst at Goode Intelligence
  • Ramesh Kesanupalli, co-founder DID Alliance; founder FIDO Alliance; CEO at Digital Trust
  • Abbie Barbir, co-founder DID Alliance; Senior Security Advisor at CVS/Aetna
  • Chris Clason, Director of Strategic Alliances at Digital Asset
  • Santosh Rajvaidya, Senior Director Product Management at Jumio


Facilitated by:

  • Michelle Goode, COO at Goode Intelligence



  • Welcome, introduction and housekeeping by chair: 5 minutes
  • White Paper presentation: 10 minutes
  • DID Alliance presentation; introduction, aims and ambitions – includes demo: 10 minutes
  • Panel-led discussion, moderated by Alan Goode with prepared questions: 20 minutes
  • Q&A from audience: 15 minutes
  • Closing remarks/next steps from chair: 5 minutes

Goode Intelligence is a leading identity and biometrics research, consulting and events organisation founded in 2007 and based in London. We work internationally with technology vendors and service providers to inform, educate and influence. Our services are used by a range of clients, from established super-brands right through to hot, emerging start-ups and market disrupters.

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