G-191 - Incident Command System/Emergency Operations Center Interface

Wednesday, Oct 27, 2021 at 8:00 AM to Thursday, Oct 28, 2021 at 11:30 AM EDT

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Wednesday, Oct 27, 2021 at 8:00 AM to Thursday, Oct 28, 2021 at 11:30 AM EDT

October 27th and 28th From 8:00 am to 11:30 AM (2 Day Class - ZOOM)  Camera must be on full time to receive your certificate.

This course is designed to enable participants to develop ICS/EOC interface implementation strategies, or action plans, for their communities. The course reviews the ICS and EOC models of emergency management operations, including coordination, communication, and chief executive decision making. It enhances knowledge and skills needed for clarifying roles, responsibilities, and relationships prior to a disaster through small-group and large-group exercises.

The course stresses that final coordination and operation structures are a matter for local governments to resolve in the planning process. It is the intent of the course to stimulate thinking and, ultimately, action in this area.

NOTE:  While there are no rigid solutions to the ICS/EOC interface issues, this course provides an opportunity to propose and discuss options in a neutral environment.  If the course is successful, the concept of operations will be in place and exercised prior to the next major emergency or disaster.

The audience for this course should include emergency managers and responders who must operationalize the ICS/EOC interface in the field.  If possible, it is preferable for all participants to be from a single jurisdiction.  In any case, all players in the ICS/EOC interface should be represented in the audience for this course.

Be certain that the participants understand that this course is neither an ICS nor an EOC operations course.  If the participants believe that they require additional ICS or EOC training, suggest that they see their Training Officer for additional information on course offerings.

This course only begins the ICS/EOC interface process for a community.  To make an ICS/EOC interface work effectively, the participants will need to work together after this course to plan, train, exercise, and revise their interface strategies. 

G-191 Course Modules
1.WebEOC 8.10 5,000 foot overview
2.EMAC - Emergency Management Assistance Compact Overview
3.EOCs and Multiagency Coordination
4.EOC Staffing and Organization
5.Communications Needs
6.Information, Systems, and Equipment Needs
7.EOC Design
8.Activating and Deactivating the EOC
9.EOC Operations
10.Testing, Training, and Exercising EOC Operations
Who should attend, Participants Suggestion?
- Town Manager
- Fire Marshall
- Fire
- Police
- Ambulance
- Public Works
- Animal Control
- Building Supervisor
- Schools Superintendent
- Senior Coordinator
- Social Services Director
- Board of Finance
- Board of Selectman
- Emergency Management Director
- Health Director / Public Health
- Anyone including private companies who may be in your EOC

Connecticut Emergency Management and Homeland Security
