Donazione Libera | Donations - for A Story about Love ONLUS

Saturday, Nov 10, 2018 at 7:00 PM to Sunday, Nov 11, 2018 at 2:00 AM CET

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DONAZIONE LIBERA - donation to support the charity project

Sale ends on 31/12/2018

Attraverso "A Story about Love ONLUS" Elisa Mocci Events finanziera` progetti e borse di studio in ambito artistico, teatrale e musicale destinati a ragazzi e ragazze che sono vittime di bullismo a scuola. Grazie infinite per il tuo supporto! ---- Through "A Story about Love" Charity project Elisa Mocci will fund scholarships in Theater, Artistic and Music fields for teenagers who are bullied at high-school. Thank you for your support!

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Saturday, Nov 10, 2018 at 7:00 PM to Sunday, Nov 11, 2018 at 2:00 AM CET


Esteemed Friends and Colleagues,

It is my pleasure to invite you to "A Story about Love”, the Elisa Mocci Events 10th Anniversary Celebration on November 10th, 2018 at the Teatro Sannazaro, Napoli, Italy.
This 10 years adventure was so great thanks to the contribution of each and everyone of you: clients, friends and colleagues who wrote this story with me.

For that reason, first of all, thank you!

This evening will not only be a celebration to remember, but will also benefit an incredibly important organization I founded: “A Story about Love ONLUS”. Through this initiative, Elisa Mocci Events will fund scholarships in Theatrical, Artistic and Musical fields for teenagers who are victims of teen bullying.

International event planners, artists, entertainers will come together at our celebration to raise money that will make a substantial impact in the lives of all of the students involved in “A Story about Love” program. The evening will not only include a gourmet Dinner, but you will enjoy a memorable Show featuring world-class musicians and artists, with a Dancing Party to follow, that will bring you in an iconic atmosphere inspired by the Moulin Rouge.

It would be my honor to have you there as a part of this momentous occasion: a lovely evening with extraordinary opportunity to have fun, network and business together.

Because of this initiative, you are ainvited - if you wish - to be with us supporting the project through the purchase of a Ticket to attend the Gala (here :, or making a donation through this page.

Please note: The donation is not a ticket for the Gala, if interested to attend the event, go to the link above or to the official website


I am very much looking forward to seeing you on November 10th.

If not, thank you for helping us make it to this milestone celebration and thank you for your support that is helping bring to light a Story of BEAUTY, FREEDOM, TRUTH AND LOVE.




Elisa Mocci

“A Story About Love”, è la Onlus creata da Elisa Mocci, dedicata a ragazzi e ragazze vittime di bullismo a scuola, progetto al quale verrà interamente devoluto il ricavato della vendita dei biglietti del Gala "A Story about Love", a Napoli il 10 novembre 2018 - e tutti i progetti a seguire-, con l’obbiettivo di finanziare borse di studio in ambito teatrale, artistico e musicale. | Elisa Mocci è fondatore di Elisa Mocci Events, società di destination wedding planning & design in Italia da più di 10 anni. Ad oggi svolge la sua professione in tutta Italia e nel mondo come Luxury e Destination Wedding Planner, ottenendo negli anni preziosi riconoscimenti, come la nomina tra i Top 5 d'Italia per ELLE Spose e tra gli 80 Best Destination WP of the World per QNA international.

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