Debbie G "Gratitude Intelligence Workshop

Friday, Mar 16, 2018 at 7:30 PM to 8:30 PM EST

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South Florida Peeps!!! Tickets are going fast! Stop what you're doing and attend this EPIC event! Debbie Garcia, is the founder of the explosive, forward thinking Spirituality Gone Wild! Debbie, is an accomplished, graphic designer, TIME Heals facilitator (reiki on steroids)....and takes life coaching to a whole new level with breakthrough, customized methods in the most loving way imaginable. Words don't teach, life experience does. Come listen to her story, be in her energy. She will spark your"G" vibe. what's the "G" vibe? it's in all of us, it's gratitude and that God force that is within all of us. Join her, and she'll give give you your wings to fly and soar, like never before!

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Friday, Mar 16, 2018 at 7:30 PM to 8:30 PM EST

How to Spark the G-Vibe Get Real & Bust through BS with the Gratitude Inteligence 


South Florida Peeps!!! Tickets are going fast! Stop what you're doing and attend this EPIC event! Debbie Garcia, is the founder of the explosive, forward thinking Spirituality Gone Wild! Debbie, is an accomplished, graphic designer, TIME Heals facilitator (reiki on steroids)....and takes life coaching to a whole new level with breakthrough, customized methods in the most loving way imaginable.

Words don't teach, life experience does. Come listen to her story, be in her energy. She will spark your"G" vibe. what's the "G" vibe? it's in all of us, it's gratitude and that God force that is within all of us. Join her, and she'll give give you your wings to fly and soar, like never before!

Our Journey of Life

Spirituality Gone Wild

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