Perfect HDR Landscapes
Thursday, January 13th
6-8pm US Eastern Time (online)
In this online mastery course, you'll learn fundamental and advanced techniques for capturing and creating HDR landscape images.
- How to identify HDR scenes in the field
- How to set up your camera to capture perfect HDR images
- Creating HDR files in Adobe Lightroom Classic
- Processing HDR raw files with Lightroom
- Adjusting HDR images in Aurora HDR
Live Online Training Event
You will be able to ask questions during the class!
Registration closes 30 minutes prior to the start of the class.
Includes a video link to the recorded calss
- To complete registration, you must return to the event page after your payment is processed.
- The registration email will be sent to you from events@eventzilla.net
- Please check your SPAM folder if you do not receive the class login information.
- Double-check your email address during registration!
I use GoToMeeting to host my online classes.
First GoToMeeting? Try a test session: http://help.citrix.com/getready