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Thursday, Aug 20, 2020 at 3:00 PM to 9:00 PM CST
1601, Campus Drive, Hurst, TX, 76054, United States
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$2,500 will go toward 2020 conference and $2,500 will go toward the golf tournament. Sponsorship includes: 6 complimentary conference and dinner registrations, exclusive sponsorship of Grand Prize, presentation opportunity during one member agent workshop for 2020 with a dedicated presentation room, premier exhibit space at conference trade show, event-wide name/logo recognition as Cocktail sponsor, Trophy sponsor, and Dinner sponsor, and a copy of the CoVerica Agency Alliance membership directory. For the golf tournament: 8 Golfers, promotion table at hole, hole signage, lunch/awards banner with special recognition.
$2,500 will go toward 2020 conference and $1,500 will go toward the golf tournament. Sponsorship includes: 4 complimentary conference and dinner registrations, presentation opportunity during one member agent workshop for 2020 with a dedicated presentation room, premier exhibit space at conference trade show, event-wide name/logo recognition as Cocktail sponsor, Trophy sponsor, and Door Prize sponsor, and a copy of the CoVerica Agency Alliance membership directory. For the golf tournament: 4 golfers, hole signage, lunch/awards banner with special recognition.
Sale ends on 08/20/2020
Feeling generous? Feel free to donate more if you’d like. Every donation is greatly appreciated and tax deductible!
Hurst Conference Center, 1601, Hurst, TX, 76054, United States.
Sponsor our 2020 annual CoVerica Agency Alliance Member Conference, held at the Hurst Conference Center, as well as our golf tournament.
CoVerica Cares is the non-profit charity initiative of both CoVerica and the CoVerica Agency Alliance. It was created in 2017 by CoVerica CEO Mike Sterlacci and his wife Heidi Sterlacci as a way of giving back to vetted local charities that support the Dallas/Fort Worth Community and beyond. CoVerica Cares is a managed fund by Communities Foundation of Texas (a 501c3 compliant organization). All donations are tax deductible.
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