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Monday, Oct 12, 2020 at 4:00 PM to 5:15 PM PST
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Forty-six million children witness violence, crime, physical and psychological abuse every year in the United States. A study from the National Child Traumatic Stress Network found that one out of every four children attending school has been exposed to a traumatic event that can affect learning and/or behavior. While the exact statistics vary for a variety of reasons, the commonality of all studies reveal trauma is something many U.S. children face. With such startling statistics, it’s likely that there are students in your school who have been exposed to some sort of trauma in their lifetime. This trauma can be detrimental to your students’ academic achievement, social/emotional development and postsecondary readiness. This class requires registration for the online course through ASCA. You must complete all exams to earn credit for this course.
Grades: Only Open to Counselors
NEPF Standards: Counselor Professional Responsibilities
Dates: Monday, Oct. 12 and Nov. 9 from 4:00-5:15 virtual meetings
Credits: 52.5 Hours Recertification and Salary Schedule Credit (3.5 Credit)
Cancellation policy If you need to cancel your registration, please contact Carly Strauss
If you need to cancel your registration, please contact Carly Strauss
Carly Strauss
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