Art of Stripaggio ~ professional olive oil tasting courses. MC LAREN VALE, SA 9-10 February 2017

Multiple Dates

Kangarilla Road, McLaren Vale, SA, 5171, Australia

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Basic Art of Stripaggio ~ an olive oil tasting course - DAY 1 (9/2/17) - McLaren Vale, SA Partial Approval - $200.00

Learn the basic fundamentals of Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Simple, no-nonsense, practical guidance to its style, quality and use.

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Advanced Art of Stripaggio ~ an olive oil tasting course - DAY 2 (10/2/16) - McLaren Vale, SA Partial Approval - $235.00

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Multiple Dates

Serafino by the Lake, Kangarilla Road, McLaren Vale, SA, 5171, Australia.

Learn the basic fundamentals of Extra Virgin Olive Oil.  Simple, no-nonsense, practical guidance to its style, quality and use.

optimized-shutterstock_453063997This comprehensive workshop is developed for the benefit of both producers and marketers covering all the “must knows” of Extra Virgin Olive Oil.

Participants will be shown by example the 5 most common taste defects which preclude oils from being “Extra Virgin”, as well as, the three recognised positive characteristics of Extra Virgin Olive Oil.

Also, have you ever wondered what all that technical stuff on a chemistry report means?  We will also guide you through the chemical jargon and explain what it says about the quality, style, smoke point and shelf life of your olive oil.

We’ll also help you to answer the most common questions posed by your customers about Extra Virgin Olive Oil and how EVOO compares with other traditional and emerging edible oils.

Course overview:

  • What is ‘extra virgin’?
  • Recognising defects
  • Positive characters
  • Olive oil quality
  • Smoke point explained
  • Shelf life
  • What the chemistry means
  • Simple answers to consumer questions

Presented by:  Richard Gawel and Paul Vossen

About the presenters:  With a combined 40 years of experience in olive oil, Richard and Paul have been senior or presiding judges in over 125 major International and National competitions including the Los Angeles, New York, and Japan Internationals and the Australian National. They both successfully trained olive oil tasting panels to the standard recognised by the International Olive Council in their respective countries of Australia and the US. Richard is a former lecturer in sensory science at the University of Adelaide and in Food and Wine Studies at Le Cordon Bleu, and currently is a research scientist working on taste active polyphenols. Paul has over 25 years international experience in advising on the production and sensory quality of extra virgin olive oil as part of the University of California extension service and has recently been awarded emeritus status by them for his work.

Location:  Serafino by the Lake , Restaurant, 39 Kangarilla Road, McLaren Vale  SA.

Registration Fee:  $200 (includes the International Standard Blue Tasting Glass).  Maximum of attendees for this workshop is 25.


Learn the Advanced fundamentals of Extra Virgin Olive Oil.  Simple, no-nonsense, practical guidance to its style, quality and use.

optimized-shutterstock_453063997This comprehensive workshop follows on from the Basic Art of Stripaggio and is developed for the benefit of producers and marketers covering advanced areas of Extra Virgin Olive Oil.

Course overview:

  • Assess the positive and negative characteristics of Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • Know the typical descriptors of the major varieties grown in Australia
  • Understand the different legitimate olive oil styles, and be able to recognise good examples of each.
  • Use the 100 point international scoring system to rate the quality of Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • Know the accepted procedures used in Australian Extra Virgin Olive Oil Competitions.

Presented by:  Richard Gawel and Paul Vossen

About the presenters:  With a combined 40 years of experience in olive oil, Richard and Paul have been senior or presiding judges in over 125 major International and National competitions including the Los Angeles, New York, and Japan Internationals and the Australian National. They both successfully trained olive oil tasting panels to the standard recognised by the International Olive Council in their respective countries of Australia and the US. Richard is a former lecturer in sensory science at the University of Adelaide and in Food and Wine Studies at Le Cordon Bleu, and currently is a research scientist working on taste active polyphenols. Paul has over 25 years international experience in advising on the production and sensory quality of extra virgin olive oil as part of the University of California extension service and has recently been awarded emeritus status by them for his work.

Location:  Serafino by the Lake Restaurant, 39 Kangarilla Road, McLaren Vale, SA

Time:  10th February 2017 starting at 9am till 4pm

Registration Fee:  

*  Basic Course $200 per person incl GST

*  Advanced Course  $235 per person inc GST  (If you have booked for the Basic Course, in Adelaide on 9th February 2017, you can book the Advanced course for only $140 per person inc GST.  One tasting glass for both courses will be provided).  Use promotion code – BOTHDAYS to access the discount.

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