ACEC/VT'S 5th Annual Transportation Technical Workshop

Wednesday, Mar 11, 2020 at 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM EST

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ACEC/VT Member Partial Approval - $150.00

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State, Municipal and Federal Govt. Rate Partial Approval - $75.00

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ACECVT Non-Member Partial Approval - $200.00

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Workshop Presenter Registration Partial Approval - Free

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Diamond Sponsor Partial Approval - $1,000.00

Your organization will receive 2 complimentary registrations, receive prominent placement in the event materials as well as marketing communications leading up to the event and be recognized as the highest level sponsor throughout the event. Diamond Sponsors will also be given space to set up a booth/table at the event.

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Gold Sponsorship Partial Approval - $750.00

Your organization will receive 1 complimentary registration, highlighted placement in the event materials as well as marketing communications leading up to the event and be recognized as gold sponsors throughout the event. 

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Silver Sponsorship Partial Approval - $500.00

Your organization will receive highlighted placement in the event materials as well as marketing communications leading up to the event and be recognized as silver sponsors throughout the event. 

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Sponsorship Comp Tickets Partial Approval - Free

Diamond-2 comp tickets Gold-1 Comp Ticket

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Wednesday, Mar 11, 2020 at 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM EST


ACEC/VTrans’ Transportation Technical Workshop #5
Wednesday, March 11, 2020 10:00 am – 4:00 pm
Vermont College of Fine Arts – Alumni Hall
9:00 -10:00 am Registration / Coffee Social
10:00 -10:10 am Opening Remarks Brendan Cosgrove, ACEC Executive Director Wayne Symonds – VTrans Highway Division Director / Chief Engineer
10:10 -11:00 am Session #1:  Colchester IM 089-3(69) I-89 Rapid Bridge Deck Replacement Session Presenter:  Scott Burbank - VHB, and Todd Sumner – VTrans Structures
11:00 -11:50 am Session #2:  Rhode Island DOT’s Stepwise Approach for Integrating Stormwater Mitigation into Capital Improvement Projects Session Presenter:  Mark Pereira – Fuss & O’Neill
11:50 -1:10 pm Luncheon and networking
1:10 -2:00 pm Session #3:  Chicago Transit Authority – BIM Delivery using Bentley OpenRoads, OpenBridge, and OpenRail Designer Software Session Presenters:  John Barone, Steve Magoon, Caesar Hatami, Wayne Guo, and Brad Hollister - Stantec
2:00 - 2:50 pm Session #4:  Beehive Bridge in New Britain, CT highlighting the successful collaboration of public works, city staff, state DOT, architects, engineers, and the community. Session Presenter:  Kristen Solloway – Fuss & O’Neill
2:50 - 3:00 pm Break
3:00 - 3:50 pm Session #5:  VTrans’ Mount Holly ER STP 0133(8) Vegetated Slope Stabilization along VT Route 155 using natural vegetation as stabilizing agents. Session Presenter:  Tom Bigelow - Green International Affiliates, Inc.
3:50 - 4:00 pm Closing Remarks/Evaluation Brendan Cosgrove, ACEC Executive Director Dale Gozalkowski, ACEC President

ACEC OF Vermont

The American Council of Engineering Companies of Vermont, or ACEC/VT is a Member Organization of the American Council of Engineering Companies, the National organization of engineering firms engaged in the practice of independent consulting engineering. The American Council of Engineering Companies of Vermont is a non-profit trade association comprised of firms that provide a wide array of engineering and other professional services for all types of construction and environmental improvement projects. ACEC of Vermont member companies provide services to local, state and federal government agencies, as well as commercial and industrial clients. The mission of ACEC of Vermont is to enhance the economic and regulatory climate for private engineering companies and assist member companies in improving their business management practices so that they may provide high-quality professional services to their clients.

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