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Monday, Oct 7, 2019 at 4:00 PM to Thursday, Oct 10, 2019 at 12:00 PM CST
185, Union Avenue, Memphis, TN, 38103, United States
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Registration received on or before August 30, 2019.
Registration received on or after August 31, 2019.
Double Tree by Hilton, 185, Memphis, TN, 38103, United States.
2019 SE Region FDA Food Saftey Seminar - Memphis, TN
October 7-10, 2019
Hotel registration link: Hotel: DoubleTree Hotel Memphis Downtown Group Name: FDA REGIONAL FOOD SAFETY SEMINAR
Facebook Page: SE Region Seminar
Twitter: @2019 Memphis FDA SE Region Food Safety Seminar
Tennessee 2019 SE Region Food Safety Seminar Committee
This event is currently unable to accept new registrations
*4:30-6:30 PM Registration *6:30-8:30PM Opening Reception
MORNING SESSION- *Opening Welcome from State, *Welcome and updates from FDA office of State Cooperative Programs, *Update from FDA Center for Food Safety & Applied Nutrition, *Implementing an Environmental swabbing Strategy in Norovirus Outbreaks, *Update on the FDA/AFDO Grants **AFTERNOON SESSION- *Sanitizer use and testing, topic & speaker TBD, *the Super Bowl from a local and federal perspective, *State Reports
MORNING SESSION - *Re-building a program after a major disaster, *Topic & Speaker to be confirmed, *NEARS and CDC update. **AFTERNOON SESSION- *Raw milk roundtable, *Evaluation of a natural disaster, *Standard 9 Roundtable, *State Reports (continued)
MORNING SESSION - FDA Office of partnership update, FDA Office of Training & Education Development Update, Maintaining Standardization, FDA/NACCHO Mentorship Program, FDA Interpretive session, Invitation to Alabama 2020!
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