Wisconsin 164th Grand Commandery Annual Conclave

Saturday, Jun 18, 2022 at 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM EDT

1235, East Howard Avenue, Milwaukee, WI, 53207, United States

Register Now


Sale ended

Registration for Grand Conclave Partial Approval - $10.00

sales ended

Lunch Ticket Partial Approval - $15.00

Lunch will be served at 11:30 am. Enjoy a traditional Wisconsin Tailgate Party with Burgers, Brats, and all the ‘fixins’.

Sale ended

Grand Banquet Partial Approval - $25.00

The Grand Banquet will begin at 5:00 pm. Enjoy a bountiful buffet of seasoned chicken breasts, thick-cut roast beef, au gratin potatoes, vegetable, salad, and dessert.

sales ended

Ladies' Event - Shucking Oysters and Looking for Pearls Partial Approval - $10.00

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Saturday, Jun 18, 2022 at 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM EDT

Lake Masonic Center, 1235, Milwaukee, WI, 53207, United States.



SATURDAY, JUNE 18, 2022 at 9:00 a.m.



Dear Sir Knights,

The 164th Grand Conclave of the Grand Commandery, Knights Templar of Wisconsin will be held

on Saturday, June 18, 2022 at the Lake Masonic Center, 1235 E. Howard Avenue, Milwaukee.

ATTENDANCE: It is the duty of the Grand Officers and the Three Principal Officers of each

Constituent Commandery to attend this Annual Conclave of the Grand Commandery Knights

Templar of Wisconsin. All Sir Knights are welcome and encouraged to attend.

REGISTRATION: It is the responsibility of each delegate and guest to register before midnight

on June 2, 2022. Registrations will not be accepted after this time.


It is the responsibility of all attendees to visit the Registration Desk between 7:30 am to 8:45 am

to pick-up meal tickets and documents and assign proxies. You are required to show your current

dues card to obtain your registration packet. The desk will close at 8:45 am.

CREDENTIALS COMMITTEE: Credentials offered at the time of registration will be verified

by the credentials committee. Any questions must be resolved prior to admission.PROXY CARDS: Proxy forms are available on the Grand Commandery website. Should a Dais

Officer be unable to attend, he should assign his proxy to another Sir Knight according to Grand

Commandery Statutes. Proxy forms must be signed by the granting officer with the constituent

Commandery’s seal thereto affixed and presented at the Registration Desk.

PRE-PROCEEDINGS: Pre-proceedings and other documentation will be available for download

to registered participants beginning June 6, 2022. Limited copies will be available at the

registration desk.



Grand Officers: Full Templar Uniform with Sword.

All other Sir Knights: Full Templar Uniform less Sword, or Black Suit.

Guests: Business Suit.

Ladies: Daytime; Business casual. Banquet; Semi-formal or formal attire.


7:30 am

Registration Desk Opens (Closes at 8:45 am)

9:00 am

Devine Service

9:45 am

Grand Conclave Convenes

11:30 am


1:00 pm

Grand Conclave Resumes

3:00 pm

Grand Conclave Recessed

3:30 pm


4:00 pm

Installation of Grand Officers

5:00 pm

Grand Banquet and Awards



A Devine Service will begin at 9:00 am.


The 164th Grand Conclave of the Grand Commandery, Knights Templar

of Wisconsin will reconvene at 9:45 am. We will break for lunch at 11:30 am, resuming labor at

1:00 pm. Recess is scheduled for 3:00 pm.

MEAL RESERVATIONS REQUIRED: Each delegate and guest is required to make their own

meal reservations.

CARBS and COFFEE: Donuts, coffee and juice will be served from 7:45 am to 8:45 am.

LUNCH: Lunch will be served at 11:30 am. Enjoy a traditional Wisconsin Tailgate Party with

Burgers, Brats and all the ‘fixins’. Cost for lunch is $15.00.



The Grand Banquet will begin at 5:00 pm. Enjoy a bountiful buffet of

seasoned chicken breasts, thick-cut roast beef, au gratin potatoes, vegetable, salad, and dessert. The cost

for the Grand Banquet is $25.00.



The Installation of Grand Officers will commence

at 4:00 pm. Photos will be taken at 3:30 pm.


There will not be an exhibition drill.


The Ladies will ‘shucking oysters’ and looking for pearls. Cost is $10 per

lady. Reservations and payment must be made at the time of registration.



Due to the limited duration of the Annual Grand Conclave, group

hotel arrangements have not been made. A list of nearby hotels may be found on the website. It is

the responsibility of all attendees to make their own hotel reservations.


If you have any questions, please contact S.K. Bradley Bingheim, Grand Conclave chairman via

email at bbingheim6@gmail.com . We look forward to greeting you at the 164th Grand Conclave of

the Grand Commandery of Knights Templar of Wisconsin.


The documents and other handouts for the events will be available at the following link soon prior to the event. Event documents: https://bit.ly/3JJSF28.


Recommended Hotels near Lake Masonic Center located HERE

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