WALC Quarterly Meeting May 14, 2024

Tuesday, May 14, 2024 at 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM EDT

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Tuesday, May 14, 2024 at 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM EDT

CERPS are free for WALC Members. If you would like to become a WALC member, please visit https://www.walc.net/shop/membership/

10:00 am – 11:00 am  The Reflexive Anatomy of Latching – Avery Young M.S, M.Ed., IBCLC

1.0 L CERP and 1.0 CNE

Avery Young is a passionate enthusiast about empowered feeding and is on a mission to help make feeding feel better. Over the last few years, she has been observing, studying and experimenting with engaging the reflexes that infants use when feeding, to help make the latching progress work better. This work has transformed her practice and her ability to make profound changes in the families she supports. She has a master’s degree in Biology, a Master’s Degree in Science Education and has been supporting feeding families for almost a decade.

Presentation description:

Nipple pain is currently a pervasive problem that causes a significant number of feeding parents to prematurely cease breast or chestfeeding before they are ready, even when it was their original intent to feed for longer. The lack of recognition and understanding of the infant feeding reflexes and their innate latching skills results in a commonly taught approach to latching that inadvertently leads to increased damage and pain for many new parents. To provide an alternative, reflex-based approach to latching to reduce nipple pain and damage and allow latching to resume it’s role as a process that is foundational for infant development.

Objectives – Following this session, participants will be able to:

  • Recognize the role of the latching reflexes in the development of an infant.
  • Understand the cascade of reflexes that an infant is able to use during latching.
  • Facilitate a reflex-based latching process.


11:00 am – 12:00 Noon  On The Move: Advancing IBCLC Expertise in Human Movement as Related to Breastfeeding/Chestfeeding – Allyson Wessells, PT, IBCLC

1.0 L CERP and 1.0 CNE

Allyson Wessells is a physical therapist, International Board Certified Lactation Consultant and co-owner of Nurture Columbus, in Columbus, Ohio. She completed a Bachelor’s degree in Biology from Ohio University in 1997, and Master of Physical Therapy degree from Northwestern University in 1999. After having a child in 2007, she volunteered as a La Leche League leader. She discovered a love for supporting new parents but a gap in lactation care, which led her to become an IBCLC in 2014. Her clinical approach to identifying and overcoming feeding challenges is unique with physical therapy foundations in posture, movement and reflexive function. Through presentations she endeavors to engage IBCLCs to know more about movement as related to human lactation, and PTs to learn about breastfeeding/chestfeeding as related to human development. As past-president (2019-2021) of the Ohio Lactation Consultant Association, she also advocates for equitable access to and health plan coverage for lactation care.

Course Description:

Knowledge of neuroanatomy, reflexes, and biomechanics as related to breastfeeding/chestfeeding is essential to IBCLC competency. This presentation will define breastfeeding/chestfeeding in terms of posture, movement, and reflexive function.

Strategies provided will include methods to identify and treat impairments that impede movement essential to breastfeeding/chestfeeding success. New research on how participation in infant movement group classes facilitated maternal confidence in breastfeeding/chestfeeding will be reviewed. Presented by an IBCLC who is also a physical therapist, this presentation explores how breastfeeding/chestfeeding should be considered a first movement milestone fostered through interactive tummy time at the most basic and often effective level, and in need of more definition as such across the healthcare continuum. While alerting other healthcare professionals to this definition can help improve support for it, IBCLCs should be the clinical expert in its assessment and treatment as a foundation to collaboratively solving more complex movement impairments that challenge breastfeeding success.

Objectives – By the end of the webinar, the participate will be able to:

  • Identify at least 3 reflexive, active and postural movements necessary for functional breastfeeding/chestfeeding
  • Provide straightforward, practical cues and activities to improve upon dysfunction in reflexes, movement and posture that may be impairing breastfeeding/chestfeeding success
  • Communicate observed deficits to other healthcare professionals as necessary to improve collaboration that can more effectively address underlying movement restrictions and challenges
  • Know where to seek further education to expand and establish the IBCLC as the clinical expert in whole body human movement as related to breastfeeding/chestfeeding

12:00 pm – General Meeting – All are welcome to attend

Link to the Zoom event will be sent via email several days before the event.

Wisconsin Association of Lactation Consultants


The Wisconsin Association of Lactation Consultants (WALC) is a chapter of the United States Lactation Consultant Association (USLCA). The purposes of this Association are: To provide a means of communication and networking between lactation consultants. To provide mutual support and education for lactation consultants. To support and encourage the development of high standards of effective and ethical practice in the field of infant feeding among lactation consultants and other health care workers. To offer ongoing educational opportunities for lactation consultants and other health care providers in our state. To foster awareness in health workers of human milk feeding as an important preventive health measure. To create universal awareness of the importance of human milk and breastfeeding and the hazards of artificial feeding. To provide information to relevant authorities on issues of concern to lactation consultants and to serve as an advisory board for such authorities. To cooperate with other Wisconsin organizations that have aims and objectives (in whole or in part) similar to those of WALC. To encourage, stimulate, and assist research and investigation into all aspects of lactation and infant feeding. To support the statewide implementation of the International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes, as interpreted by the World Health Assembly.

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