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Tuesday, Mar 23, 2021 at 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM CDT
3510 South 79th East Avenue, Tulsa, OK, 74145, United States
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Admission to the UBuildIt Home Building and Remodeling Seminar is free, but seating is limited, so please RSVP to make sure you get a seat.
Apex Title & Closing Services, LLC, 3510 South 79th East Avenue, Tulsa, OK, 74145, United States.
Cancellation policy Please let us know if you aren't able to make it so we can make room for more guests. Thank you.
Please let us know if you aren't able to make it so we can make room for more guests. Thank you.
UBuildIt Tulsa in association with First United Bank, Apex Title & Closing Services, LLC and Timber Ridge Home Designs
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