Trauma Toolkit for Providers

Multiple Dates

505 Hudson Street, 6th Floor, hartford, ct, 06106, United States

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Multiple Dates

DCF Central Office - Academy Workforce Development, 505 Hudson Street, hartford, ct, 06106, United States.

The Trauma Toolkit training was developoed to educate child welfare provider community about the impact of trauma on the development and behavior of children, within the child welfare system. This program will explore the impact of child traumatic stress on attachment, cognitive development, behaviors, and relationships. Specific focus is placed on understanding the effect of chronic and complex trauma on brain development and the lolng-term impact of advers childhood experiences. Additionally, participants will be given insight into the unique experiences of children within the child welfare system. Participants will also develop strategies for considering and addressing the psychological safety of children in the wake of traumatic experiences as well as building resilience for children and the caregivers with whom they live.

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Connecticut DCF

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