Topic: Overview of Available Products for the Support of Underground Construction with an Emphasis on Temporary SOE
Date: Thursday, February 20, 2025
Presenter: Andrew King, P.E., S.E.
Location: Lone Star Texas Grill (930 Dixon Rd, Toronto, Ontario)
Time: 5:30 p.m. (Registration) 6:00 p.m. (Presentation)
Registration Cost:
- $10 - TAC Members
- $20 - Non-members
- $10 - Government Employees
Presentation Overview:
Many types of products are available to support underground excavations and each product serves a different purpose and/or situation. This presentation will cover the more common products available on the market today and go through their individual uses. This presentation will cover some of the more specific design aspects as well.
Speaker Bio:
Mr. King has 18 years of structural engineering experience dealing with structures of various types, sizes and intended uses. These structures have been constructed with a variety of materials including steel, wood, concrete and aluminum and have been employed both above and below ground. Mr. King has spent the last 12 years designing support for excavation structures utilizing rolled steel beams and plates, often combined with timber. The vast majority of these structures are temporary, but several have been final, long-term structures. Design efforts have included dozens of projects across North America and Central America.
Projects of note include:
I-265, Drumanard Tunnel, Prospect, KY
Eastside Interceptor, Richmond, IN
Gateway National Park, St. Louis, MO
NEORSD Sewer Program, Cleveland, OH
Ontario LRT, Ontario, Canada
Armstrong Coal, Survant Slope, Center City, KY
Kennecott Copper, Rio Tinto, Salt Lake City, UT
OARS, Columbus, OH
SAWS Project, San Antonio, TX
Val Vista Water Transmission, Mesa, AZ
DC Clean Waters, Washington, DC
Integrated Pipeline, Dallas, TX
2400 mm Trunk Sewer, Mid-Halton, Canada
Tijuana Water Tunnel, Tijuana, Mexico
LRL Tunnel, Dillsboro, NC
Kaneohe-Kallua Tunnel, Honolulu, HI
Hamilton Interceptor, Hamilton, OH
Keller Pedestrian Tunnel, Keller, TX