TAB Israel Tel-Aviv Launch

Monday, Nov 14, 2016 at 5:00 PM to 7:30 PM IST

60 Rothschild Boulevard, Tel Aviv, Israel, 6578507, Israel

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Monday, Nov 14, 2016 at 5:00 PM to 7:30 PM IST

POLLY, 60 Rothschild Boulevard, Tel Aviv, Israel, 6578507, Israel.

17.00-17.45 Registration, Beer & Networking

17.45-18.15 Introducing ourselves

18.15-19.00 Presentation & Discussion

19.00-19.30 NetworkingThe Alternative Board

(TAB) starts its activity in Israel.

We help business owners, executives and managers to identify and solve issues, develop actionable plans, increase sales, grow profit and get to faster growth. TAB in Israel will be founded by the owner of TAB Northeast, a successful TAB unit of more than 40 members, business owners and executives, in the Philadelphia and the New York area.

Experiencing how helpful the TAB way is, managers identify and solve issues, increase profitability, improve their lives, develop actionable plans, increase sales and get to faster growth; Israeli members will increase productivity and focus on leadership, vision, accountability, positioning, team building and more.

Participating in TAB, members will be able to experience the no-holds-barred way TAB Board members deal with issues and opportunities. They will leave these meetings with ideas and strategies that can have an immediate impact on their business success.

Cancellation policy

If your plans change, please inform us as space is limited.