TAB Israel hosts CrowdFunding 101

Sunday, Aug 6, 2017 at 6:30 PM to 9:30 PM IST

11 Ha-Menofim St., Akerstein building B, 3rd Floor, Herzliya, Israel, 4672562, Israel

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Free ticket as per invitation Partial Approval - Free

Hi, We are looking forward to seeing you today at 6.30 pm for registration and cold Sangria, white wine, Cheese & fruits... at Joy Ventures 11 Ha-Menofim St. Building B, 3rd Floor

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Sunday, Aug 6, 2017 at 6:30 PM to 9:30 PM IST

Joy Ventures, 11 Ha-Menofim St., Herzliya, Israel, 4672562, Israel.


18.30-19.00 Registration, food, drinks & Networking

19.00-19.10 Welcome Session, CrowdFunding revolution

19:10-20:00 POMM Indiegogo Campaign

20:00-20:50 SayVU Equity CrowdFunding Campaign

20:50-21.30 Networking

We will discuss campaigns using Kickstarter & Indiegogo

Equity CrowdFunding platforms

2 companies will present their campains:



The first electronic mobile-phone-case with secured apps, huge storage & double battery power.

POMM is an easy-to-use, mobile-phone-case that empowers you to securely manage your data, keeping it for your eyes only! POMM arrives with built-in biometric & physiological protection sensors; encrypted storage; and a set of secured apps for private browsing, contacts, passwords, media, and file management of medical, financial, and any other personal or sensitive business file.




We Provide the best RTCM - Real-Time reporting and Crisis Management systems -  supported by accessible Life Saving multiple Sensors’ based technologies[12304]?a=1&WebLang=HE





Cancellation policy

If your plans change, please inform us as space is limited.

Arik, Ami, Or

Contact the Organizer