Searching Medline @ UC

Multiple Dates

Toronto Rehab - University Centre, 550 University Ave, Toronto, Ontario, M5G 2A2, Canada

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Medline Power Searching @ UC Partial Approval - Free

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Multiple Dates

University Centre: SIMS Lab, Room 2-051, Toronto Rehab - University Centre, Toronto, Ontario, M5G 2A2, Canada.

Finding evidence is an integral step of Evidence Based Practice. MEDLINE is a leading source for finding biomedical scholarly literature. This session will present theory and techniques for building effective search strategies using the Ovid MEDLINE advanced search interface to find answers to clinical questions. 

By the end of this session participants will:

  • Be familiar with formulating clinical and searchable questions using the PICO model
  • Search Ovid MEDLINE using the advanced search functions
  • Determine which primary type of study will yield the best evidence and focus their search accordingly.
  • Know how to save and manage their search strategies and results.

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