PMP Prep Boot Camp - Jan 2023

Monday, Jan 9, 2023 at 8:30 AM to Friday, Jan 13, 2023 at 3:00 PM EST

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Sale ended

PMP Class (early bird) NO Exam Fees Included Partial Approval - $1,699.00

Includes all study materials (PMBOK v6 printed copy; RMC PMP Prep book v10; RMC flash cards); RMC PMP practice tests (online). PMI PMP Exam fees are NOT included.

sales ended

PMP Class (early bird) WITH Exam Fees Included Partial Approval - $2,399.00

Includes all study materials (PMBOK v6 printed copy; RMC PMP Prep book v10; RMC flash cards); RMC PMP practice tests (online). PMI PMP Exam Fees ARE included.

Sale ended

PMP Class NO Exam Fees Included Partial Approval - $1,799.00

Includes all study materials (PMBOK v6 printed copy; RMC PMP Prep book v10; RMC flash cards); RMC PMP practice tests (online). NO exam fees are included.

sales ended

PMP Class WITH Exam Fees Included Partial Approval - $2,499.00

Includes all study materials (PMBOK v6 printed copy; RMC PMP Prep book v10; RMC flash cards); RMC PMP practice tests (online). PMI PMP Exam Fees ARE included.

Sale ended

PMP Audit (no materials) Partial Approval - $350.00

You may only audit the course if you have taken the PMP Prep course from PM One in the past. You can earn up to 35 PDUs for attending. No materials will be provided.

sales ended

PMP Audit (WITH materials) Partial Approval - $999.00

You may only audit the course if you have taken the PMP Prep course from PM One in the past. You can earn up to 35 PDUs for attending if you already have your PMP, and you will earn 35 contact hours if you do not have your PMP. All standard, updated course materials WILL be provided.

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Monday, Jan 9, 2023 at 8:30 AM to Friday, Jan 13, 2023 at 3:00 PM EST

About the Class

Please carefully review the COVID-19 statement below...the class delivery format has been shifted to be delivered LIVE, but virtually, for the following reasons:

  • Reduces the need to shift from face-to-face to virtual (and back) depending on the state of COVID or other world events.
  • Eliminates travel for our out of town students. We have students attend from as far away as Virginia, Maryland, Florida, and Texas as well as from across the state of South Carolina.
  • Saves students at least one hour per day of travel time to/from our physical classrooms.
  • Allows us to shorten lecture times, per day, and provide students with a window of time to take practice exams, complete exercises, or read material instead of doing it during the class sessions.

Moving to this format has been a very successful transition and our students are doing VERY well on the practice and actual PMP exams using this format.

Note that this is a complete "Soup to Nuts" PMP Prep course! There are no other materials needed other than what we provide, and no one provides more materials than PM One to prepare you for the exam.

This five-day class is designed for the experienced project manager who needs to learn the terminology, methodology, and processes defined within the PMI "Guide to the PMBOK, 6th Edition" and who needs to understand the NEW PMP exam format (as of January 2, 2021). This is NOT a course designed to teach you project management -- it is a course designed to prepare you to take the PMP exam.

If you have the experience required to sit for the PMP exam, then this course will teach you what you need to know to pass the exam if you are willing to commit the week to learning the material presented.

This course will also provide you with the 35 contact hours of project management instruction required to sit for the exam. However, if you already have 35 contact hours of project management training you should use those to register for the exam as you will be able to sign up for the exam prior to the start of the class -- we recommend this! If you need the 35 hours that this course provides, then you will not be able to submit your PMP exam application to PMI until the last day of the class, although you will be able to start the application process and save it online so that on the last day of class you simply need to submit it.

Note that PMI now offers the PMP exam online, so that you can take it in the comfort and safety of your home or office. This is an excellent option and many of my students have used this testing method in 2020 and 2021 and they have reported a very positive testing experience.

This class will include all materials required to study for the exam, including:

  • Five full days of live, virtual instruction by a practicing senior project manager with over 30 years of PM experience
  • Printed copy of the PMBOK, 6th Edition! ($50 value) This is the version that the current exam uses as its basis.
  • 359-day license to RMC's PM FastTrack (cloud), the leading online practice PMP exam software package...students can access it from anywhere with internet access! ($299 value)
  • 500+ page reference guide by the leading PMP prep author! ($99 value)
  • RMC's PMP Flash cards ($35 value)
  • Recordings of each session, available for 180 days after class ends for your review!
  • Additional proprietary PM One study materials! Priceless!
  • 35 contact hours...the requirement for sitting for the exam!
  • Students will take sample exams at the end of each day to prepare them for the actual exam, including a full 200 question sample exam on the last day of class!
  • Ability to attend the course a second time for a highly discounted cost in order to earn PDUs or to freshen up their knowledge. (The cost is currently $350 to audit the class and is subject to change.)

Materials supplied change frequently, based on student feedback. You can count on being provided the best materials to prepare for the exam!

No one else gives you this much for so little!

Class will run from 8:30am to 3pm daily (except Friday, when we break at noon so that you can take a practice exam), and we will break for lunch each day from approximately 11:15 am to 12:15 pm. Practice exams, a part of the class, will be completed each day after the live lecture sessions.

Note: We will use Zoom to deliver the course, so be sure your computer can either download the Zoom app or use Zoom via a web browser. Also, if you do not have a Zoom account, please register for a FREE zoom account so that you can log in as only Zoom users will be able to join the meeting.

Looking forward to seeing you in our live, virtual class!

Questions? Call 843-568-4889



The class will run Monday - Thursday from 9am to 3:00 pm and 9am to noon on Friday. You must attend all sessions to receive credit, and complete all assigned class activities. Although class may end a bit earlier on some days, it will never go past 3pm Mon-Thu or noon on Friday. If you miss a session you may view the recording of that day's class to receive the credit for attendance. It is imperative that students attend each and every session! As part of the course, but after lecture hours end, we will take a practice PMP exam every day in order to get your adult mind back in the mode of test-taking. 


About the Instructor

This course is taught by Dr. Dan Furlong, PMP, PMI-ACP, MBA, DHA, CSM, FHIMSS. Dan has been working in the field of project management for over 30 years, and teaches graduate level project management courses at multiple universities. Dan is also the co-author of Healthcare Project Management (1st & 2nd editions) and a long-tiime volunteer and contributing author with PMI Charleston, PMI global, and Dan has been quoted as a SME on at least four occasions in PMI Network, PMI's international project management magazine.

For more information about Dan or PM One, please visit PM One (

Exam Fees

Note that class fees do NOT include any fees charged by PMI for the exam. It is a less expensive if you pay PMI directly, but we do offer an option where the exam fee can be added to the class cost for those customers who must have the exam fee be included in the class costs.

If you MUST have the exam fee included in the class fees, then you may choose "Include Exam Fees" when registering. If you choose to include the PMP exam fees, then PM One will reimburse you for the cost of the PMI national membership, PMI Charleston membership fee, and the PMP exam fee of $405 after the following have been completed: 1) payment has been received by us from you or your company, 2) you have applied for and scheduled the exam, and 3) you have forwarded your receipt from PMI to us for reimbursement.

No other fees will be reimbursed to you (e.g., other local chapters, one-time registration fee to PMI, etc.). Note that this option is more expensive than paying for the exam fees yourself, but is offered as an option for those companies and government agencies that require that the certification costs be included in the course fee.

Total reimbursement from PM One to you will be $534 + $25 PMI Charleston membership fee (if you choose to join). You must schedule your exam within 90 days of the end of class in order to be reimbursed. No monies will be refunded or reimbursed after 90 days, so take your exam in a timely manner!



In order to keep everyone safe, we have shifted our courses to a live, but virtual format. We have found this delivery method to be equally effective on the actual PMP exam, and, our virtual classes have scored higher on practice exams than previous face-to-face classes!

The sessions will be recorded and made available to the students so that lectures can be watched again in their entirety, or partially, while preparing for their exams for 180 days after class ends.

We reduced class sizes in order to allow everyone to participate and be interactive even though we will be virtual, so come prepared to be engaged!

Note: We will use Zoom to deliver the course, so be sure your computer can either download the Zoom app or use Zoom via a web browser.


Cancellation Policy

Please read the following cancellation policy carefully. By registering you are agreeing to its terms. Once registered, you are committed to pay for this class except under the following conditions: 

  1. Full refund, minus a $75 processing fee, if canceled at least 30 days in advance.
  2. 50% refund/discount if canceled from 15 to 30 days in advance.
  3. No refund/discount if canceled within 14 days of class commencement.
  4. Any monies not refunded will be applied to a future class for the student (within 12 months).
  5. A student may substitute any other student in their place, at no cost.
  6. The same student must attend all five days of class (i.e., no substitutions mid-class).
  7. No refunds will be issued once materials have been shipped, although the student may apply any monies paid to a future class (within 12 months).

Either Payment or a PO# must be received prior to 30 days of the start of class in order to attend the class. As PM One holds a seat and purchases materials for all attendees, the registrant not attending the event does not relieve the registrant of their agreement to pay. POs and checks may be sent to PM One LLC, 1643-B Savannah Highway, Suite 353, Charleston, SC 29407. 

POs may also be emailed to or faxed to 843-628-7717.



PM One is the oldest company in South Carolina that focuses only on training others on project management techniques such as facilitation and communication, preparing students for PMI certifications (PMP, CAPM, and PMI-ACP exams), and providing project management consulting services. We have been providing these services since 2005, and we do nothing else! We have been selling out class after class as our students are successful!

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