NW Cyber Spring Camp

Saturday, Apr 24, 2021 at 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM PDT

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Virtual (ONLINE) Ticket - Spring Camp - Co-Ed Partial Approval - $50.00

Students will be divided into virtual sessions.

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Saturday, Apr 24, 2021 at 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM PDT

THIS CAMP MEETS ON TWO SATURDAYS - April 24 (9:00am - 3:00pm) and May 1 (10:00am-2:00pm). 

Camp instructers will be sending virtual invites for each of their virtual courses. 

Interested in learning more about the exciting field of Cybersecurity? Then join us for a two-Saturday Cyber Camp. No previous experience is required! Students will be taught all of the skills they need to participate. This camp focuses on the skills surrounding Password Cracking! Students will learn what makes good passwords, how they are stored and secured, and even how to crack passwords. They will participate in two cyber competitions: the first will focus on student’s individual ability to solve password-related challenges; the second will then focus on student’s abilities to work as a team and solve even tougher challenges! 

While the actual cost of the competition is $150, sponsors have provided funds to reduce the camp cost for all participants. Therefore, an automatic $100 discount will be applied at the time of registration for all participants. 

NOTE: This camp will cover different topics than taught in the fall camp, so all fall camp students are welcome as well.



The Energy Sector Security Consortium, Inc. (EnergySec) is a United States 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation formed to support energy sector organizations with the security of their critical technology infrastructures. Through our membership program, we support collaborative initiatives and projects that help enhance the cybersecurity resiliency of these organizations. Today, our community includes more than 5000 individuals representing more than 500 organizations. The development of the EnergySec information sharing efforts and workforce development remain a key focus areas of EnergySec as it continues to develop programs and other efforts to meet the needs of the energy sector into the future.

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