NERC CIP EDUCATION (Hybrid) - Portland, OR

Monday, Apr 7, 2025 at 8:00 AM to Friday, Apr 11, 2025 at 3:00 PM PDT

9191 SE Sunnyside Road, Clackamas, OR, 97015, United States

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NERC CIP Bootcamp - IN-PERSON ATTENDANCE Partial Approval - $3,500.00

Sale ends on 04/04/2025

5 days - NERC CIP Deep Dive and AuditPrep+ courses

NERC CIP Bootcamp - ONLINE ATTENDANCE Partial Approval - $3,500.00

Sale ends on 04/04/2025

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Monday, Apr 7, 2025 at 8:00 AM to Friday, Apr 11, 2025 at 3:00 PM PDT

Residence Inn Clackamas, 9191 SE Sunnyside Road, Clackamas, OR, 97015, United States.

Join us for our NERC CIP Bootcamp in Portland, Oregon. Our NERC CIP Bootcamp is for industry professionals seeking a full knowledge of the NERC CIP standards and associated compliance oversight processes.

Staff at EnergySec Member organizations may be eligible for a discount. Contact us at for information. Members with access to the EnergySec Community may find discount information here.

About the Course 

CIP Deep Dive (Days 1-3)
Our online CIP Deep Dive provides an instructor-led course utilizing our established curriculum along with additional self-study guides. This format combines the best aspects of our live, in-person training with the flexibility of an online format. Over three days, students will explore and absorb our CIP body of knowledge guided by our detailed course curriculum, access to an expert instructor, and online lecture and Q&A sessions.

Audit Prep+ (Days 4-5)
The NERC CIP Audit Preparation course provides entity personnel with an understanding of compliance oversight practices employed by the ERO. This includes a detailed explanation of the audit process from preparation, to execution, to post-audit negotiations. Attendees will obtain an understanding of the NERC Rules of Procedures (RoP), Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement Program (CMEP), Inherent Risk Assessments (IRA), Internal Controls Evaluation (ICE), and the audit process as documented in the ERO Auditors Handbook. RSAW and evidence preparation and presentation will also be discussed.

This bootcamp may be taken as a stand-alone course or as part of our C3P credential which signifies competence in all aspects of managing compliance with the NERC Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) standards.To learn more or to register for the credential, visit our website,

Participants will receive:

·       Online ticket includes access to attend an in-person class within 12 months from the date of purchase, and access to the On-Demand course

·       An electronic copy of our curriculum and presentation slides

·       Full-color printed book is available upon request.

·       Access to an online repository of reference documents used in the course.

·       Access (for a minimum of 1 year) to a library of recorded videos for deep dives into select areas (under development)

·       During the course period participants will receive:  Email access to an expert instructor to address questions that arise during the course period.

Hotel Room Information

Residence Inn by Marriott Clackamas 

9191 SE Sunnyside Road, Clackamas OR  97015


The nightly discounted room rate for this is event is $189+ tax. All rooms are suites and the rate is guaranteed until March 6, 2024 or until the block is sold out. You can reserve your discounted room by following this  link. If you prefer, you can also call the hotel directly at 503-557-3566 to reserve your spot. If you choose to call, make sure to mention you're with the EnergySec group so you will get the special conference rate.  

CPE Credit

Certificates of completion will be provided after the class as documentation for Continuing Professional Education credit. A full week of CIP courses typically counts for 40 CPE hours and such will be reflected on the course certificate. Attendees should consult the CPE/CEU standards for their specific certifications or credentials to determine whether this course qualifies. EnergySec is unable to submit CPEs on behalf of attendees. 


The Energy Sector Security Consortium, Inc. (EnergySec) is a United States 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation formed to support energy sector organizations with the security of their critical technology infrastructures. Through our membership program, we support collaborative initiatives and projects that help enhance the cybersecurity resiliency of these organizations.

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