Multi-Faceted Training in Leadership, Accountability & Related Systems
Proactive “Disciplinary” Measures
The need to use a lot of punitive discipline suggests a poorly disciplined organization. In a “well-disciplined” organization, systems work properly and people do what they’re supposed to do, including follow the rules. This seminar explains a variety of enhanced leadership initiatives, including focused policy and strengthened systems, to achieve “disciplinary” goals. Progressive discipline is explained in great depth, not only in purpose and concept, but also as a structured and positive system designed to draw employee’s attention to the need to follow the rules without the need for punitive discipline. So, this training is a multi-faceted project. It begins with broad introductory discussions about the shaping of organizational culture through enhanced methods of human development and proper use of strengthened systems. It then moves quickly into several hours of training on enhanced, proactive leadership initiatives to build motivation through inspiration, buy-in, respect and other positives, then illuminates the specific policy, training and systems necessary to accomplish this.
Disciplinary Policy, Training & Systems
Leadership styles can and will vary from leader to leader but adherence to certain key principles cannot. Leaders must put employees on clear notice of organizational standards. Those standards must then be consistently enforced. Disciplinary sanctions must be consistent and proportionate. In certain key respects, supervision cannot vary from supervisor to supervisor; overarching consistency must be maintained from workgroup to workgroup. This requires a systemic approach to what historically was left to individual supervisory and managerial discretions. Practical application of all this is demonstrated. The program shows the need for organizational solutions to organizational solutions to organizational problems. It helps first-line supervisors and mid-managers see a bigger picture. Perhaps more importantly, it reminds senior leadership – the “big picture” people – of the vital need still to mind the store and keep close watch on the “little” things. If you take care of problems while they’re small, you don’t get a lot of big problems.
Reactive “Disciplinary” Measures – What All Leaders Need to Know About IA and Discipline
This is not a deep dive into internal investigation and management of that function. That coverage is in our Advanced Internal Affairs course. This course covers the kinds of things that all leaders need to know about responding to acts of misconduct and other negative critical incidents. Suspected misconduct and certain critical incidents require internal investigation, adjudication and sometimes the application of punitive disciplinary outcomes, including termination of employment. So, this program also teaches the knowledge needed to oversee internal affairs work in a way that reflects professional core values and increases public and officer trust in process fairness and legitimacy. It covers ordinary administrative matters and extraordinary matters like use of force, critical incidents, and officer-involved shootings. There is discussion of the role of regular supervisors in internal affairs and discipline processes, proper use of disciplinary systems, complaint handling and methods of assuring fairness in case adjudication and disposition.
Topics Include:
- Strengthening Organization Culture
- The "Well-Disciplined" Organization
- Professional Standards and Morale
- Recruitment and Selection Systems
- Keys to Fairness and Just Culture
- Assuring Needed Consistency
- Proportionality in Disciplinary Actions
- Making Progressive Discipline Work
- Defining Supervisory Expectations
- Unity of Command
- Proactive Effects of Close Supervision
- Complaint Handling and Documentation
- Quality Control Methodologies & Analytics
- Routing and Analysis of Negative Data
- Improving Early Warning Systems
- Appropriate Use of Written Directives
- Fitness for Duty Issues
- Use of Force and High-Speed Driving
- Managing Supervisor Discretion
- Strengthen Community Relations
- Reducing Fraternization and Nepotism
- Activity to Negativity Ratios
- Performance Evaluation and Discipline
- The Power of Recognition Systems
- Goal Setting and Attainment
- In-Service Training/Testing/Assessment
- Liability Prevention/Risk Management
- Strategic Planning - Finding True North
Seminar Fee
Registration is $495.00 per person. Send three people get another one free. Credit card payments accepted online. If paying by check, make checks payable to Randy Means & Associates and Mail to 1100 Lovering Avenue, Suite 514, Wilmington, DE 19806.
Seminar Hours
Seminar begins at 9:00 AM each day and concludes at 4:30 PM Eastern Time on days one and two. Each participant will receive their own link to join online and course materials will be emailed prior to the seminar.
Refund and Substitution Policy
We will gladly apply a registration fee to any of our future seminars or products. Substitutions can be made at any time.