Introductory Training - Virtual 4 Week Series

Wednesday, Oct 14, 2020 at 7:00 PM to 9:30 PM EST

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Clinical Professional Partial Approval - $350.00

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Residents & Students Partial Approval - $275.00

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Session 3 & 4 Partial Approval - $200.00

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Partial Scholarship Partial Approval - $225.00

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Wednesday, Oct 14, 2020 at 7:00 PM to 9:30 PM EST

Gain the knowledge and skills necessary to prepare, implement, and facilitate successful group medical visits by joining us in this virtual, four part series!  This series was designed to fit into your current schedule and provide you the opportunity to learn all you need to know to start and maintain an effective and engaging program in your community by breaking the intensive curriculum into four, manageable 2.5 hour evening sessions.  Additionally, we will be teaching virtual group visit techniques and pointers so that we can all navigate COVID while using group models!

Presented by leaders in the field, Dr. Jeffrey Geller, MD, FP and Dr. Paula Gardiner, MD, MPH, you'll not only be introduced to the various aspects of group medical visits, but also have the opportunity to apply the strategies through virtual breakouts and small group sessions. 


Weekly 4- Part, Live Online Training

  • The four sessions will be held on October 7th, 14th, 21st, and 28th
  • Each session will last 2.5 hours
    • Starting at 7 pm ET
    • Ending at 9:30 pm ET

This program will provide:

  • An overview of the history, different types, and evidence supporting the efficacy of Group Medical Visits
  • The best practices for introducing the benefits, fostering motivation, gathering resources, and implementing GMVs in clinical settings
  • Successful strategies for basic facilitation, engagement, group management, and patient recruitment
  • Virtual group visit techniques and pointers for navigating through COVID while using group models
  • Advanced methods for facilitating difficult discussions and challenging situations as well as implementing GMVs for special populations
  • Skill sessions to strengthen your ability to: engage patients, guide conversations, mediate challenging situations, set goals and intentions with patients, and more. 


The AAFP has reviewed ICGMV: Training Series on Group Medical Visits, and deemed it acceptable for AAFP credit.  Term of approval is from 10/07/2020 to 10/06/2021.  Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.  Credit approval includes the following session(s):

  • 2.50 Online Only, Live AAFP Prescribed Credit(s) - Introductory Training - Session 1: Introduction to Group Medical Visits
  • 2.50 Online Only, Live AAFP Prescribed Credit(s) - Introductory Training - Session 2: Fundamentals of Facilitating Group Visits
  • 2.50 Online Only, Live AAFP Prescribed Credit(s) - Introductory Training - Session 3: Successful Strategies for Group Management and Adaptable Practices
  • 2.50 Online Only, Live AAFP Prescribed Credit(s) - Introductory Training - Session 4: Intermediate Methods of Facilitating Group Visits

Integrated Center for Group Medical Visits

The Integrated Center for Group Medical Visits (ICGMV) is a nonprofit organization and fully functional group medical visit practice based out of Lawrence, Massachusetts. The Center envisions a world where all people have access to evidence based, integrated primary care. In support of this vision, their team is dedicated to providing quality education, training, and support for clinical professionals at all levels to successfully implement and facilitate group medical visit programs.

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Dr. Jeffrey Geller
ICGMV; Kronos Health; IM4US
Dr. Jeffrey Geller has over 25 years of practice with countless types of group medical visits and has been paving the way for others take part in these innovative methods of health care. Through his efforts, he runs the largest group medical visit program in the country and has focused his work on reducing loneliness and overcoming barriers to health by providing integrative medicine. Among his accomplishments lies numerous research publications, co-founding Integrated Medicine for the Underserved (IM4US) and the Holistic, Integrative, and Pluralistic (HIP) fellowship, as well as most recently being awarded Massachusetts Physician of the Year 2020.

About Dr. Jeffrey Geller

ICGMV; Kronos Health; IM4US
Dr. Paula Gardiner
Dr. Paula Gardiner is an Associate Professor in the Department of Family Medicine at Boston University School of Medicine and serves as a co-chair of ICGMV's Board of Directors. Dr. Gardiner is a world leader in group medical visit research and has lead a number of university and individual initiatives to uncover the best practices. In support of her research in mindfulness interventions for racially diverse and low income patients, interest in clinician stress and resiliency, and the development her holistic online toolkit for teaching mind body techniques to low health literacy patients, Dr. Gardiner is a certified meditation teacher. Among her accomplishments lies being awarded a five-year NIH K grant and over 90 publications including research on chronic conditions and pain, the adaptive role of technology, mindfulness, and integrative medicine for underserved patient populations.

About Dr. Paula Gardiner