InterTradeIreland All-Island Innovation Programme: Professor Ellen Enkel

Friday, May 12, 2017 at 9:00 AM to 1:30 PM GST

College Road, Cork, Co. Cork, xxxx, Ireland

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Succeeding in open innovation: Solving the €100 million question (9.15am-11.00am) Partial Approval - Free

Post-lecture networking event, with light refreshments will take place after the event (11-11.30)

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Revolutionizing your industry: Harnessing the potential of the ecosystem through effective business models (11.30-1.15) Partial Approval - Free

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Friday, May 12, 2017 at 9:00 AM to 1:30 PM GST

Creative Zone, UCC Library Ground Floor, College Road, Cork, Co. Cork, xxxx, Ireland.

The All-Island Innovation Programme is an InterTradeIreland funded programme established to promote and encourage innovation across the island.  For our final international master classes of the current programme, UCC are delighted to announce the visit of Professor Ellen Enkel, Chair of Innovation Management at the University of Zeppelin, Germany (  Prof Enkel will deliver a keynote innovation lecture and a specialist master class, on the morning of Friday May 12th 2017, targeted at the regional industrial audience. Attendance for both events is free but registration in advance is required.  The titles for her two talks are:


Innovation Lecture-  Succeeding in open innovation: Solving the €100 million question (May 12th  9.15-11.00; Library Creative Zone)

Specialist Master-class- Revolutionizing your industry: Harnessing the potential of the ecosystem through effective business models (May 12th 11.30-1.15; Library Creative Zone


Innovation Lecture details

Succeeding in open innovation: Solving the €100 million question- (Library Creative Zone: 9.15-11.00)

Open innovation offers companies the promise of being able to exponentially increase the scale and scope of their innovation activity through harnessing externally controlled resources.  However, the reality is that the majority of firms struggle to realise the promised potential of the open innovation paradigm.  Drawing on her experience of multiple industrial research projects and study of successful open innovation cases, Professor Enkel will highlight  the common pitfalls companies encounter and how management can overcome these to appropriate value, grow their venture and enhance their competitive advantage.


Specialist Seminar details

Revolutionizing your industry: Harnessing the potential of the ecosystem through effective business models- (Library Creative Zone: 11.30-1.15)

Following on from the innovation lecture, Professor Enkel will explore how SME firms can harness and structure their ecosystem to disrupt industry rules of the past.  Building collaborative capabilities and synergistic business models cognisant of the needs of the network rather than the individual firm are challenging to establish but if achieved can offer firms long term commercial advantage. In this master class, Professor Enkel suggests strategies and routines that SME's can pursue to grow and defend themselves in an increasingly globalized marketplace.


Biography of Expert

Prof. Dr. Ellen Enkel is head of the Dr. Manfred Bischoff Institute of Innovation Management of Airbus Group and holds the chair of innovation management at Zeppelin University in Friedrichshafen/Germany. Additionally she is Editor-in-Chief of the R&D Management Journal since 2012 and academic head of the executive master program of digital business models at Zeppelin University. Her research focuses is on digital transformation, ecosystems and open innovation where she has published various articles in journals like R&D Management Journal, Technovation, Technological Forecasting and Social Change International, Journal of Innovation Management and Journal of Technology Management the last decade. She is one of the most cited authors of the field with broad industry experience in companies like BASF, BMW, SAP, or Henkel but also with SME in the manufacturing industry.

Cancellation policy

By registering for attending this event, you may receive updates and news from InterTradeIreland and/or partner organisations of the All-Island Innovation Programme.  InterTradeIreland (and host organisation) will not circulate your details to any unrelated third party.  Should you wish not to receive any related communication then please email

University College Cork

The InterTradeIreland All-Island Innovation Programme aims to promote and encourage innovation across the island of Ireland. A series of free innovation lectures, seminars and masterclasses are held throughout the year to share international best practice in areas of innovation. The Programme is delivered in partnership with InterTradeIreland, Queen’s University Belfast, NUI Galway, University College Dublin and University College Cork.

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