InnovateELT Conference 2019

Friday, May 17, 2019 at 5:30 PM to Saturday, May 18, 2019 at 9:30 PM CET

Diputació 279, Barcelona, Catalonia, 08007, Spain

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iELT19 Conference Standard Partial Approval - €95.00

This ticket gives access to the iELT19 Conference - starts Friday evening and runs Saturday all day

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iELT19 Conference + Friday Workshop 1: Grow your business with content marketing Partial Approval - €140.00

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iELT19 Conference + Friday Workshop 2: User Experience Design Essentials for ELT Partial Approval - €140.00

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iELT19 Conference + Friday Workshop 3: Making Language Come Alive with STEM in Early Childhood Partial Approval - €140.00

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iELT19 Conference + Friday Workshop 4: Pron & More: Bringing Pron into the Mainstream Partial Approval - €140.00

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Friday Workshop 1: Grow your business with content marketing Partial Approval - €50.00

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Friday Workshop 2: User Experience Design Essentials for ELT Partial Approval - €50.00

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Friday Workshop 3: Making Language Come Alive with STEM in Early Childhood Partial Approval - €50.00

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Friday Workshop 4: Pron & More: Bringing Pron into the Mainstream Partial Approval - €50.00

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Early Bird Conference Partial Approval - €50.00

Enjoy half price of standard tickets to InnovateELT Conference 2019. 25 tickets available. First come first served!

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Early Bird Conference + Friday Daytime Sessions Partial Approval - €70.00

Enjoy half price of Standard tickets for both InnovateELT Conference & Friday Daytime Sessions. 15 tickets available. First come first served!

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Friday, May 17, 2019 at 5:30 PM to Saturday, May 18, 2019 at 9:30 PM CET

Oxford House , Diputació 279, Barcelona, Catalonia, 08007, Spain.

Back to the Future

InnovateELT is five years old. To celebrate our half-decade, we want to invite our wonderful community of ELT professionals to stop the clock and take stock of where ELT is going.

At IELT19 we will look back at the past 5 years of our industry and reflect on what we’ve learnt as a profession. What myths have been debunked? What are the key developments that have impacted how we work? How are we wiser?

We will then look ahead at what’s in store for us over the next 5 years. What breakthroughs in other industries are likely to impact ELT? How is learning and teaching going to change? What skills do we need to develop in order to thrive? What can we as a community do to actively create the future we want?

At iELT19, we want you to actively engage with the future of our industry. Whether you’re a teacher, learner, publisher or other, you will leave buzzing with ideas for how you can shape the future of ELT.

InnovateELT was set up by ELTjam and Oxford TEFL in 2015 with the aim of discussing the role of innovation in language education and celebrating some of the most exciting things happening around us.

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