InnovateELT 2023 Conference

Saturday, May 20, 2023 at 2:00 PM to Sunday, May 21, 2023 at 4:00 PM CEST

Carrer de Diputació 279 Bajos, Barcelona, Barcelona, 08007, Spain

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Saturday, May 20, 2023 at 2:00 PM to Sunday, May 21, 2023 at 4:00 PM CEST

Oxford TEFL, Carrer de Diputació 279 Bajos, Barcelona, Barcelona, 08007, Spain.

InnovateELT is an annual conference that’s been going strong since 2015. True to the name, our aim is to discuss the role of innovation in language education and celebrate some of the most exciting things happening around us.

This year’s conference theme is ‘Who Needs Theory in ELT?’

According to Kurt Lewin “There is nothing more practical than a good theory”. Is he right? At InnovateELT 2023, we’ll be exploring whether our industry is driven by theories.

InnovateELT was set up in 2015 with the aim of discussing the role of innovation in language education and celebrating some of the most exciting things happening around us. Following the successful reintroduction of the in-person event in September 2022, next year's conference will take place over two days at our school in central Barcelona.

Contact the Organizer

Barnaby Griffiths
Language and communication coach
Barnaby Griffiths Language Consultancy
I’ve been a language and communication coach for the best part of 20 years and am in a position to help language teachers go that step further. I’ve also been a tutor on the Oxford House Diploma course for over 20 years, in fact I co-designed the course with OH Director Duncan Foord back in 1998, so I am also able to also bring all that experience to my workshops.

About Barnaby Griffiths

Language and communication coach
Barnaby Griffiths Language Consultancy
Sinead Collins
English Language Teacher and Teacher Trainer
Oxford House
Sinead is a seasoned English teacher with a proven track record of success in teaching levels from A1 to Cambridge Proficiency Exam preparation. With a recent completion of the DIPtesol, she has also presented workshops on topics related to language teaching and learning, demonstrating her passion for sharing her knowledge and contributing to the wider community.

About Sinead Collins

English Language Teacher and Teacher Trainer
Oxford House
Peter Vahle
Continuing Lecturer
University of California, Berkeley
Peter has nearly thirty year's experience teaching English in a variety of capacities and has taught in a variety of countries including Spain, France and the Czech Republic. In addition to general EFL teaching, he conducts teacher training courses and is a Continuing Lecturer at UC Berkeley and is an Adjunct Professor of Rhetoric and Language at the University of San Francisco, both in California, USA. He currently teaches a variety of university courses related to academic writing and reading. Peter holds the LCTL Diploma in TESOL from Trinity College London.

About Peter Vahle

Continuing Lecturer
University of California, Berkeley
Alex Asher
Co-author of LangTech & CEO of LearnCube
Alex Asher is an author, experienced edtech entrepreneur, and electrifying speaker. Alex has gained recognition through his work with LearnCube, an award-winning online language school software serving hundreds of language companies, including Babbel and Preply. His latest book published this year in 2023, LangTech, A Deep Dive Into Online Language Education, Its Future and a Framework for Success, has open up new insights, which he is excited to share with others equally fascinated by the intersection of language education and technology.

About Alex Asher

Co-author of LangTech & CEO of LearnCube
Marina Yesipenko
Teacher, Teacher Trainer, Researcher
Scioskola Prague Czech Republic
Marina holds an MA in TESOL and Applied Linguistic, English and Japanese language and literature, CELTA, IHCYLT and Delta certificates in teaching from Cambridge English Assessment. Her main spheres of interest comprise linguistics, methodology of teaching, language learning and acquisition, cognitive science, social semiotics and multimodality. She has been a practicing English as Second Language teacher, teacher trainer and methodologist for 15 years. Marina is a frequent conference presenter, the most recent events including InnovateELT (Barcelona), IATEFL Poland, IATEFL Hungary, The Image Conference (Brussels, Belgium), ELT Council (Malta). Currently she is doing a PhD course in Semiotics at Charles University, researching the interdisciplinary topic of redefining the modern concept of literacy with the use of multimodal texts. For the time being Marina is a full-time teacher at an alternative school Scioskola in Prague, Czech Republic

About Marina Yesipenko

Teacher, Teacher Trainer, Researcher
Scioskola Prague Czech Republic
Renata Agolli
EFL Teacher
Directorate of Primary Education , Rhodes, Greece.
An English teacher involved in primary and secondary education in Greece with a broad teaching and mentoring experience in Italy, Renata holds a Master's Degree (A' hons) in TESOL . As a speaker in many international conferences, she has tackled topics that pertain to versatile learning approaches such as CLIL, ICT, TBLT etc. Her areas of interest are: Intercultural education, Bilingual education and emerging Technologies.

About Renata Agolli

EFL Teacher
Directorate of Primary Education , Rhodes, Greece.
Sarah Bromley
Senior Product Manager
After a degree in Linguistics & Phonetics, a CELTA and time spent teaching in the classroom in Madrid, I moved to the world of digital product development and have managed various language learning websites and apps, including at the BBC, Scholastic, my own app Go Correct and now Twyn. I’ve won two British Council ELTons awards for digital innovation in ELT.

About Sarah Bromley

Senior Product Manager
Paul Ricketts
Product Owner, ELiT
Paul has taught EFL in the UK, Brazil and Spain, and has always combined teaching with technology, working with major publishers and startups. In his new role with ELiT(Cambridge University Press and Assessment) he helps to create innovative apps providing formative assessment, harnessing cutting-edge natural language processing, machine learning and great learning experience design.

About Paul Ricketts

Product Owner, ELiT
Anthony Green
L2 Listening Expert
Ever since he was a languages student, Anthony has been fascinated with intelligibility (or often the lack thereof) during the L2 listening process, finding it far more challenging than reading, and rejecting traditional approaches as inadequate. Having published successful CD-ROm series with El Mundo and other daily newspapers across the globe, as well as hands-on experience working with learners at universities and schools, during the lockdown he took the opportunity to set up Phonema, whose Voicebooks have helped transform learner performance in listening almost beyond recognition.

About Anthony Green

L2 Listening Expert
Ramy Rashad
Cambridge CELTS Tutor/ Teacher of English and Teacher Trainer
Cambridge Assessment English, University of Cambridge
Ever since I taught my little cousin how to tie his shoes, I knew I wanted to be a teacher. There’s nothing like that “light bulb” moment when a child understands something they didn’t know just a few minutes before. I love that. Between helping my mates at university, volunteering in Resala, and the 15 years of my own education, I’ve spent thousands of hours in the classroom. I especially love working with adults and teens as they develop important skills. I have been a teacher trainer recently after my intensive study at Cambridge University. I hope to be a teacher who inspires his students and leaves them feeling great about themselves!

About Ramy Rashad

Cambridge CELTS Tutor/ Teacher of English and Teacher Trainer
Cambridge Assessment English, University of Cambridge
Florencia Giudici
EFL Teacher and Teacher Trainer
Colegio Ward/ El Centro Britanico
Florencia is a CELTA certified teacher and teacher trainer from Buenos Aires, Argentina. She graduated as a TEFL teacher from Instituto Superior del Profesorado “Dr. Joaquín V. González” and she has been teaching English to all ages for over twenty years, mostly in Argentina but also in New Zealand and the UK. She specializes in materials design and she is the co-founder of Flying Colours Learning Resources. Nowadays, Florencia is taking a post graduate course in methodology at Universidad CAECE and she is working as an EFL teacher and exams trainer at El Centro Britanico International House Santiago de Compostela.

About Florencia Giudici

EFL Teacher and Teacher Trainer
Colegio Ward/ El Centro Britanico
Regina Szuszkiewicz
English Teacher and REGIPIO Games Designer
Regina Szuszkiewicz, MA in English Philology, a passionate English teacher and language games developer. She has built a recognizable brand REGPIO language games. She has always emphasized that games may enhance language acquisition if they are appropriately used. She runs workshops for English teachers on how to effectively incorporate language games into the classroom. Regina has contributed to the ESL area by presenting at plenty of national and international conferences."

About Regina Szuszkiewicz

English Teacher and REGIPIO Games Designer
David Young
Course Director, Trinity DipTESOL
Oxford TEFL
From a first EFL job teaching in summer camps to kids, David went on to teach exam preparation courses, design and run various ESP courses at a large multi-national in Syria, and worked as Director of Studies for a language school in Prague. Since taking the Trinity Licentiate Diploma in TESOL, he has worked on teacher training courses in Barcelona, Madrid, Hong Kong, Paris and Prague and after many years working on the Trinity CertTESOL/CELTA, he is now course director on the Trinity DipTESOL for OxfordTEFL.

About David Young

Course Director, Trinity DipTESOL
Oxford TEFL
Geoff Jordan
Associate Tutor
University of Leicester
Geoff Jordan has lived in Spain since 1981. He worked at ESADE, Barcelona for 28 years, first as a language teacher and then as Director of Studies. He helped to organise and run an MA TESOL program, run jointly by the Institute Of Education (London University) and ESADE from 1994 to 2003. From 2004, He has worked freelance. Work includes: English immersion courses at home; tutoring post-doctoral students at the Universitat Politecnica de Barcelona; associate tutor in the Distance Learning MA in Applied Linguistics and TESOL program at Leicester University; Ph.D supervisor at University of Wales and ST David.

About Geoff Jordan

Associate Tutor
University of Leicester
Patrick Casey
The North Station Academy
Patrick Casey is an experienced manager and teacher, whose interests lie in teaching teens and young learners. He owns and directs The North Station Academy in Zaragoza, and is currently completing his DipTESOL.

About Patrick Casey

The North Station Academy
Georgie Thorman
English Teacher
Oxford House Barcelona
Georgie has dedicated her personal and educational life to the study and teaching of languages, recently completing a master's in Language Education. Experience as a teacher but also as a language learner has driven her to focus on finding ways to reduce speaking anxiety and improve confidence. She has gained a substantial following on social media which she is hoping to use to help as many language learners as possible to achieve their communicative goals using innovative new methodologies.

About Georgie Thorman

English Teacher
Oxford House Barcelona
Duncan Foord
Oxford TEFL

About Duncan Foord

Oxford TEFL
Caroline Chapman
Teacher, Director, Trainer, Writer
IH San Sebastian
Over the 20+ years Caroline been in the classroom, she has learnt that it doesn't matter how hard a teacher works or how engaging their lessons are, if students don't take an active role in their own learning, a piece of the puzzle is always going to be missing. She now uses her knowledge and experience to help other teachers develop their craft so they can empower their learners to become more responsible and accountable. She also enjoys connecting with and learning from other teachers.

About Caroline Chapman

Teacher, Director, Trainer, Writer
IH San Sebastian
Teresa Bestwick
Teacher trainer and materials writer
the TEFL Development Hub
Teresa is a materials writer based in southern Spain and a teacher trainer on the Trinity Cert and DipTESOL courses, working with centres in Spain and the UK. She is keen on professional development and runs a Facebook group which connects ELT professionals from around the world and offers weekly live events on a variety of topics. In her free time, she enjoys running, drinking craft beer and crochet.

About Teresa Bestwick

Teacher trainer and materials writer
the TEFL Development Hub
Jedrek Stepien
English Teacher
Jedrek is a renegade freelance English teacher based in Provence, France, but present on all continents thanks to the net.

About Jedrek Stepien

English Teacher
Ambra Pacchioni
Busy Bee Language Academy
Teacher, teacher trainer and founder of "Busy Bee Language Academy", Ambra is a young entrepreneur passionate about foreign languages. She designs personalized teaching materials and offers professional support to teachers.

About Ambra Pacchioni

Busy Bee Language Academy
Joan Chirivella
Language Coordinator
Col·legi Madre Sacramento
Joan Chirivella is a pre-primary and primary school teacher in a semi-private school in Barcelona where he teaches English as a Foreign language as well as non-linguistic subjects through the CLIL approach. He is passionate about Applied Linguistic research which is the main reason why he is studying a master’s in Applied Languages at Universitat de Lleida. His main research interests lie within the field of second language acquisition, in particular, CLIL.

About Joan Chirivella

Language Coordinator
Col·legi Madre Sacramento
Svetlana Gritsenko
Senior Teacher
Col·legi Madre Sacramento
Svetlana is a senior teacher and a course designer at the private language school in Valencia. Svetlana completed a Master’s degree in Teaching English as a Foreign Language at the University of Rovira and Virgili in Tarragona. Apart from that, she is interested in rethinking learning and finding the ways of effectively integrating ICT in EFL classrooms. Therefore, she took a course in teaching via Nearpod Educational platform and became a Certified Nearpod Educator. Recently Svetlana has launched the blog about digital teaching where ESL teachers can find free tutorials and detailed instructions on how to create online interactive lessons. Svetlana and Joan were both awarded a first prize in the John McDowell Awards for their Final Master Thesis organised by Association of English Teachers of Catalonia (APAC).

About Svetlana Gritsenko

Senior Teacher
Col·legi Madre Sacramento
Tim Warre
Educational Content Creator, Teacher, Teacher Trainer
Twenix & CIC Idiomes
Tim is a materials writer, teacher and teacher trainer based in Barcelona with over 13 years of experience. He has been posting lesson plans on his blog since 2013. He combines his role as an educational content creator at Twenix with a teaching role at CIC Idiomes. He mainly specialises in teaching exam preparation classes at levels C1-C2 and developing ESP content. His interests include being a massive geek, playing with his two cats and saying yes to too many projects.

About Tim Warre

Educational Content Creator, Teacher, Teacher Trainer
Twenix & CIC Idiomes
Chris Fry
Ex British Council & EOI teacher and teacher trainer
In 1971, Chris Fry started teaching English at the EOI Drassanes in Barcelona, where, in 1972 he became Head of the English Department and a teacher trainer for four years. He then went to the British Council, Barcelona, teaching adults, starting teacher training there and introducing CALL for 38 years. His two obsessions have always been promoting extensive reading through running class libraries and getting students to record themselves speaking in class as often as possible to put emphasis on speaking rather than grammar, vocabulary and writing, which have usually formed the basis of assessment.

About Chris Fry

Ex British Council & EOI teacher and teacher trainer
Polina Venglovskaya
Community Manager
After being an English teacher for 11 years and a director of studies for 5 years, Polina is closely familiar with the issues teachers face on a date-to-day basis. Working in Ed-Tech sector provides unlimited possibilities to find solutions to those problems. Polina has experience organising and executing educational group trips abroad (London, Edinburgh, New York); providing individual and group monthly training sessions; putting together intensive, CLIL and other courses. She writes articles on Teaching ESL, issues a weekly newsletter, and creates original educational content.

About Polina Venglovskaya

Community Manager
Joanne Carr
Teacher of English
British Council
Joanne (or Jo) has worked in ELT for 14 years, as a teacher and teacher trainer. She's taught all different levels and age groups and come to the realisation that she really relishes the unique challenge and joy the YL classroom brings. She wants to try to spread this interest in teaching the next generation to other teachers who may struggle with this growing market (and may be less than optimistic about the idea of teaching children on a Saturday morning). She tries to practice what she teaches and, as a proponent of a Growth Mindset, tries to view these unique challenges with curiosity and as an opportunity to improve - to greater and lesser degrees of success.

About Joanne Carr

Teacher of English
British Council
Daniel Lawrence
Teacher and Materials Writer
Oxford TEFL/Oxford Online English
After qualifying with the CertTESOL at Oxford TEFL in Barcelona in 2014, and then teaching in language schools in Catalonia, I went freelance, moved my work entirely online and returned to Oxford TEFL for the DipTESOL in 2019. My development project focused on micro-listening activities and I have since written a series of listening lessons (among others) for Oxford Online English, designed for self-study or use by teachers. I'm currently developing a self-study pronunciation course for the same site.

About Daniel Lawrence

Teacher and Materials Writer
Oxford TEFL/Oxford Online English
Colin Young
International Communication Specialist
Colin has been working across the globe in ELT for just shy of 20 years. He currently splits his time between Creative Writing/Storytelling with primary students and professional business communications. As a teacher trainer, Colin's mission is ´making it easy to be an exceptional teacher.´

About Colin Young

International Communication Specialist
Anna Machura
English Language Teacher, Linguist, Dyslexia Tutor, Therapist
UCC (University College Cork) Language Centre, Ireland & DAI (Dyslexia Association of Ireland)
Anna is a highly-qualified, experienced and passionate English language teacher (Cambridge English), teacher trainer, professional linguist, lecturer and course creator. She has been working in UCC Language Centre (Ireland) and cooperating with various educational institutions all over the world. She enjoys sharing her extensive knowledge with international students from over 50 countries, discovering their potential. Anna is an expert in various fields, with 4 degrees including Master’s in Applied Linguistics (English Studies), Master’s in Management & Marketing and other specialisations such as Law, Business and Medical Science. Her expertise covers General & Academic English courses as well as specialised programmes. &

About Anna Machura

English Language Teacher, Linguist, Dyslexia Tutor, Therapist
UCC (University College Cork) Language Centre, Ireland & DAI (Dyslexia Association of Ireland)
Scott Thornbury
Scott Thornbury lives in Barcelona and, until recently, taught on an online MA TESOL program for The New School in New York. His writing credits include several award-winning books for teachers on language and methodology. He is also the series editor for the Cambridge Handbooks for Language Teachers and a trustee of the Hands Up Project.

About Scott Thornbury

Katherine Reilly
Academic Lecturer
ELT Publishing
Katherine Reilly was born in Chicago Illinois and has a BA in English Language & Literature. She has authored a total of forty-three books for the ELT learning field and a further six concerning ICT learning She has also offered her voice in recordings for the material’s relevant audio segments. In the role of Academic Teacher Trainer, Katherine delivers lectures to audiences of both graduates and experienced educators in domestic as well as international English language teaching conferences and universities. Her passion is inspiring critical thinking through active learning strategies and stimulating young learners’ potential in writing and speaking.

About Katherine Reilly

Academic Lecturer
ELT Publishing

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Sessions on May 20, 2023

01:30 PM

Arrival & registration

01:30 PM - 02:00 PM


02:00 PM

Introduction and Plenaries

02:00 PM - 02:45 PMOxford House, Barcelona
  • +2
  • Duncan Foord


    Oxford TEFL


03:00 PM

Therapeutic Teaching. It's Not Rocket Science, It's Neuroscience

03:00 PM - 03:45 PM
  • Anna Machura

    English Language Teacher, Linguist, Dyslexia Tutor, Therapist

    UCC (University College Cork) Language Centre, Ireland & DAI (Dyslexia Association of Ireland)


Game-Based Pragmatic Learning

03:00 PM - 03:45 PM
  • Regina Szuszkiewicz

    English Teacher and REGIPIO Games Designer



Speaking homework, in theory & in practice

03:00 PM - 03:45 PM
  • Paul Ricketts

    Product Owner, ELiT

    ELiT, CUP&A


Decoding in Practice

03:00 PM - 03:45 PM
  • Sinead Collins

    English Language Teacher and Teacher Trainer

    Oxford House


04:00 PM

Q & A

04:00 PM - 04:45 PM
  • Scott Thornbury




Writing less is more

04:00 PM - 04:45 PM
  • Colin Young

    International Communication Specialist



How a Soviet-era philosopher can help your students listen better

04:00 PM - 04:45 PM
  • Anthony Green

    L2 Listening Expert

Promoting an Inclusive ELT Environment

04:00 PM - 04:45 PM
  • Katherine Reilly

    Academic Lecturer

    ELT Publishing


05:30 PM

How can we practise micro-listening theory?

05:30 PM - 06:15 PM
  • Daniel Lawrence

    Teacher and Materials Writer

    Oxford TEFL/Oxford Online English


Instilling and Using a Growth Mindset in the YL ELT classroom

05:30 PM - 06:15 PM
  • Joanne Carr

    Teacher of English

    British Council


The Benefits of a Bad Theory

05:30 PM - 06:15 PM
  • David Young

    Course Director, Trinity DipTESOL

    Oxford TEFL


Creating original teaching materials: A Theoretical Approach with Online Tools

05:30 PM - 06:15 PM
  • Polina Venglovskaya

    Community Manager


06:30 PM

Extensive reading - the solution for everything

06:30 PM - 07:15 PM
  • Chris Fry

    Ex British Council & EOI teacher and teacher trainer



Atomic Classroom Habits

06:30 PM - 07:15 PM
  • Tim Warre

    Educational Content Creator, Teacher, Teacher Trainer

    Twenix & CIC Idiomes


Using educational technologies to boost speaking performance

06:30 PM - 07:15 PM
  • +1
  • Svetlana Gritsenko

    Senior Teacher

    Col·legi Madre Sacramento


Learner autonomy via multimodality

06:30 PM - 07:15 PM
  • Marina Yesipenko

    Teacher, Teacher Trainer, Researcher

    Scioskola Prague Czech Republic


07:30 PM

Closing plenaries (and drinks!)

07:30 PM - 08:00 PM


Sessions on May 21, 2023

10:00 AM

Arrival / Breakfast

10:00 AM - 10:30 AM


10:30 AM


10:30 AM - 11:00 AM
  • +1
  • Ambra Pacchioni


    Busy Bee Language Academy


11:15 AM

15 Things to Use on Monday [Revisited]

11:15 AM - 12:00 PM
  • Teresa Bestwick

    Teacher trainer and materials writer

    the TEFL Development Hub


The Magic Chair Theory

11:15 AM - 12:00 PM
  • Caroline Chapman

    Teacher, Director, Trainer, Writer

    IH San Sebastian


Deconstructing Innovations (CLIL) through Theory

11:15 AM - 12:00 PM
  • Renata Agolli

    EFL Teacher

    Directorate of Primary Education , Rhodes, Greece.


Unleashing the Power of Technology in Your Language School: A Framework for Making it Work

11:15 AM - 12:00 PM
  • Alex Asher

    Co-author of LangTech & CEO of LearnCube


12:15 PM

Reducing foreign language speaking anxiety in our learners

12:15 PM - 01:00 PM
  • Georgie Thorman

    English Teacher

    Oxford House Barcelona

Traditional ELT theory in a world of apps and AI

12:15 PM - 01:00 PM
  • Sarah Bromley

    Senior Product Manager


Theories, Methods and Research - a force for good, a waste of time or worse?

12:15 PM - 01:00 PM
  • Duncan Foord


    Oxford TEFL


01:15 PM

More language coaching tips to incorporate into your teaching

01:15 PM - 02:00 PM
  • Barnaby Griffiths

    Language and communication coach

    Barnaby Griffiths Language Consultancy


Needing the exam, doesn't mean wanting the exam

01:15 PM - 02:00 PM
  • Patrick Casey


    The North Station Academy


How to create 10 minute activities using music videos

01:15 PM - 02:00 PM
  • Florencia Giudici

    EFL Teacher and Teacher Trainer

    Colegio Ward/ El Centro Britanico


02:15 PM

Closing plenaries (with drinks & snacks)

02:15 PM - 04:30 PM
