How to Build a Successful Company

Tuesday, Jul 17, 2018 at 7:00 PM to 9:30 PM IST

London Ministore, 30 Ibn Gevirol Street, Tel-Aviv, Israel, 6407807, Israel

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Tuesday, Jul 17, 2018 at 7:00 PM to 9:30 PM IST

Http://, London Ministore, Tel-Aviv, Israel, 6407807, Israel.

TAB Israel & Dale Carnegie Israel invite you to

Learn How to Build a Successful Company:

1.   Make your dream come true and set your successful company now!

2.   Your company needs a push to be successful, come and learn how to make this happen

3.   Growing a business in a tough environment is easy area; challenge, come and learn on how best to make this happen


We invite you to learn and get the experts to share their knowledge and tips with you.

During the meetup , you will have the opportunity to ask your questions and receive direct answers from the experts.


Zvi Yemini,– Chairman at TechCare ltd, Serial Entrepreneur and Investor (, who in 1988 had a reported 120$ million Dollar exit, having sold Z.A.G. Industries to Stanley Black & Decker, will discuss how to build a successful company, what it takes, what investors look for and what are the key factors for success.

Gilad Newman of Dale Carnegie, ( (, one of the leading training companies around the world today – what it takes to build the right team around you and how to continue your growth.     

Arik Hertz, of TAB Israel, Business Growth Expert, ( Top Tier in TAB, a leading global peer advisory company (, will provide insights from his own career as well as successful members, how TAB membership helps build successful companies.


19.00-19.30 Registration, drinks & Networking  

19.30-19.45 TAB Welcome Session, Arik Hertz, CEO, TAB Israel 

19:45-20:15 How to build your company to success, Zvi Yemini. Chairman at TechCare ltd 

20:15-20:45 How to Build a Successful Team, Gilad Newman, CEO at Dale Carnegie Israel

20.45-21.00 Q&A – with Zvi Yemini, Gilad Newman & Arik Hertz

21.00-21.30 Drinks & Networking  

TAB Israel ( is managed by Arik Hertz, Business Growth Expert, (, the President of TABNortheast, a successful TAB unit of more than 50 members in the Philadelphia/ New York area, and the Founder of TAB Israel

Dale Carnegie Israel represents the brand in Israel, working with companies, organizations & individuals looking to improve their bottom line by improving the performance of their teams in the areas of leadership, management, sales, public speaking & communication

The Forum Group ( offers global crowdfunding consulting, investment banking, sales and business development services. We helped over 200 Israeli tech. companies including Enigma, Versamed, Manov, Conceptics, G-RO, Dentver, Omnisol, Omegamor, etc.

 The event will be held in Hebrew.

Questions in English will be taken with pleasure.


Cancellation policy

If your plans change, please inform us as space is limited.