This Community Conversation is being presented free for social workers, their clients, and the general public. It is not CEU eligible.
NASW-DE & NASW-NJ has partnered with Best Practices BHOM to host this Community Conversation offering tips in avoiding the traps that can result in insurance claims being denied or underpaid.
Best Practices has successfully navigated the insurance maze to get providers reimbursed at the highest allowed amounts. The New Jersey-based company has also investigated misprocessed claims to recover hundreds of thousands of dollars for its clients.
Best Practices representatives will help you interpret Explanation of Payments (EOPs) to:
· Determine whether your claims are paid correctly.
· Decipher the jargon insurers cite as their reasons for underpayment or denials.
· Understand when the apparent intent is to obfuscate rather than enlighten so you can wage your strongest appeal.
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