Geometric Puzzlers (Winter, 3rd-5th)

Sunday, Jan 22, 2017 at 3:00 PM to Sunday, Feb 12, 2017 at 4:00 PM PST

6615 Dayton Ave N, Room 36 (Brick Building), Seattle, WA, 98103, United States

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3rd-5th grade student Partial Approval - $100.00

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Sunday, Jan 22, 2017 at 3:00 PM to Sunday, Feb 12, 2017 at 4:00 PM PST

Phinney Neighborhood Center Lower Building, 6615 Dayton Ave N, Seattle, WA, 98103, United States.

If you draw a square on graph paper, it's easy to find squares with "area" 1, 4, 9, 16, 25... But are these "square numbers" really all you can find? It turns out, there are actually a lot more!


Draw 16 dots in an 4 by 4 grid. Play connect the dots to make a polygon. What is the largest number of sides you can make?


Our theme for this session is Geometry. Expect lots of creative approaches to getting students talking about ideas of area and perimeter, polygons and polyhedra, shapes and sizes. The examples above are barely scratching the surface.

In Math for Love programming, we aim to give students genuine mathematical experiences. That means being curious, asking questions, making conjectures, Aha! moments, and convincing peers to believe your ideas.



Instructor: Paul Gafni

Class runs on Sundays from January 22 through February 12, 2017, from 3:05-3:55. Help putting away tables and chairs from 3:55-4 is appreciated.

For information about need-based scholarships, contact

Cancellation policy

Cancellation is allowed until one week before the first class.

Email for questions.

At Math for Love, our aim is to share our passion for math with students, parents, and teachers. We offer classes and professional development, and we develop curriculum, puzzles, and games.

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