European Parliament launch of the White Paper on Informal Carers of People with Cancer - Hosted by MEP Heinz Becker (EPP, Austria)

Thursday, Oct 19, 2017 at 8:30 AM to 11:00 AM CET

60 Rue Wiertz, Brussels, 1047, Belgium

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Thursday, Oct 19, 2017 at 8:30 AM to 11:00 AM CET

European Parliament (Room 6Q1) , 60 Rue Wiertz, , Brussels, 1047, Belgium.

Join the European Cancer Patient Coalition (ECPC) and Eurocarers as they present their White Paper on Informal Carers of People with Cancer. The White Paper tells the stories of those looking after people with cancer in the European Union. It is undeniable that these carers fulfil a vital role for our patients and health system. Unfortunately and unfairly, however, this role is often thankless and characterised by vulnerability and strain. 

There is a need to recognise the value of cancer carers and support them in the full breadth of their needs. The White Paper highlights these needs and rights of carers of cancer patients and testifies to the myriad challenges they face. The launch event is an opportunity to assess the achievements and shortcomings of the current policy framework with regard to carers, and identify ways forward for a fairer society. 

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The European Cancer Patient Coalition (ECPC) is the voice of cancer patients in Europe. With over 400 members, ECPC is Europe’s largest umbrella cancer patients’ association, covering all 28 EU member states and many other European and non-European countries. ECPC represents patients affected by all types of cancers, from the rarest to the most common. Eurocarers brings together carers' organisations as well as relevant universities & research institutes – a unique combination that enables evidence-based advocacy. Our network works to ensure that care is valued and unpaid care is recognised as central to the sustainability of health and long term care systems. We believe that carers’ know-how and needs are worth listening to and people should have the right to choose freely whether they want to be a carer, and to what extent they want to be involved in caring. Our aim is therefore to act as a voice for informal carers by documenting and raising awareness about the significant contribution carers make to health and social care systems and by ensuring that EU and national policies account for carers, promoting their social inclusion, support services and ultimately enabling them to remain active in paid employment and maintain a social life.

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