Environmental Conservation Information Session 2020

Monday, Feb 10, 2020 at 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM EST

800 Park Offices Dr, Suite 201, Durham, North Carolina, 27709, United States

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Monday, Feb 10, 2020 at 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM EST

Triangle Community Foundation, 800 Park Offices Dr, Durham, North Carolina, 27709, United States.

Information Sessions 

Join Sarah Guidi, Program Officer for the Environmental Conservation program, to learn more about the upcoming Awareness and Public Benefit grant programs, how to apply, and ask questions about the application process. We will host an in-person information session at Triangle Community Foundation (800 Park Offices Drive, Research Triangle Park) on Monday, February 10th from 2-3pm. 


A webinar version of the information session will be held on Tuesday, February 11th from 12:30-1:30pm. If you'd prefer to regiester for that session, please do so here: INSERT LINK!


Environmental Conservation Program

Triangle Community Foundation is excited to announce and invite you to apply for funding through our Environmental Conservaion Program.

Through the Environmental Conservation 2020-2021 grant cycle, we will begin integrating climate change into our program goals as we continue to support work that conserves our natural resources now and for future generations. The Environmental Conservation 2020-2021 grant cycle will continue to include the Awareness and Public Benefit programs:


Awareness: Increase awareness of conservation and/or nature-based climate solutions

  • Fund education and communications around conservation and/or climate issues
  • Fund local advocacy efforts related to conservation and/or climate issues 


Public benefit: Increase the use of land for community benefit and/or climate resilience

  • Fund efforts that increase public land use for recreation, local agriculture, community conservation, education or similar activities that are consistent with land conservation and sustainability values
  • Fund projects that address flooding, extreme heat, water shortage , or other issues that represent a climate-related threat, through nature-based strategies

Awareness and Public Benefit grants will continue to be one year in duration and support projects that address the goals outlined above. Organizations may apply at either the $10,000 or $25,000 funding level. There is no minimum match required; however, applicants will be asked to share any additional funding that is requested or committed to the project. 


Applications are due by 11:45pm on Monday, March 16, 2020. 


Eligibility Criteria:

  • The Foundation invites 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations based in Chatham, Durham, Orange and Wake counties to apply. Religious congregations, governmental agencies, and organizations operating under fiscal sponsorship of a tax-exempt nonprofit are eligible to apply when collaborating with a 501(c)(3) that meets all other criteria.
  • Organizations must meet the Foundation’s non-discrimination policy.
  • One application per organization, per grant program (Awareness, Public Benefit, Land Transaction), will be considered.



Triangle Community Foundation


Triangle Community Foundation is building a brighter future for everyone in the Triangle. By working with dedicated donors and strong nonprofits, we are able to guide gifts in a strategic way to fill in gaps, reduce inequities, and solve the region’s most pressing challenges. Since 1983, we have envisioned a Triangle that works together so everyone can thrive. Learn more at www.trianglecf.org

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