DCF Interns - Worker Safety Class

Multiple Dates

505 Hudson Street, 6th Floor, hartford, ct, 06106, United States

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Multiple Dates

DCF Central Office - Academy Workforce Development, 505 Hudson Street, hartford, ct, 06106, United States.

This course focuses on identifying risks and protective factors as it pertains to worker safety.  A heavy emphasis is put on prevention and awareness, including self-awareness, client awareness and environmental awareness.  The day includes a discussion on crisis formation and suggestions for de-escalating a client that is presenting as anxious or defensive. 

Techniques to avoid canine attacks are explored.  A portion of the day is dedicated to self-care, which includes an overview of the special review process and a framework for preventing/addressing trauma exposure response.

Enrollment in this class is limited to interns currently placed in a DCF office or facility

Cancellation policy

Please contact us if you are unable to attend the class. 

Connecticut DCF

Louise Montemurro 860-550-6321 Louise.Montemurro@ct.gov

Contact the Organizer